Can Splenda Cause Weight Gain?
Yes, all diet sweeteners can cause weight gain for many reasons. The body doesn’t consider Splenda (or any chemical sweetener) as food; therefore, fake sugars don’t satisfy your body’s demand for nourishment, which in turn increases your craving for real food.
Simple carbs (manmade sugars) pass through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. This means weight gain, increased fat and elevated blood sugar that can lead to weight gain. And Splenda is a simple carbohydrate!
Carbohydrates are the most abundant source of energy found in nature. They are products of plant photosynthesis, which provide the plant’s fuel for life in the form of sugar. When we eat complex carbs, we are eating the plant’s energy, which in turn becomes our own energy. When we eat the right kind of carbs, we are providing our bodies with fuel so we can perform daily activities from thinking about work to walking up a flight of stairs. If you are eating a balanced diet with reasonably sized portions, carbohydrates from natural sugars should not cause weight gain. But these days we are victims of the “fear of carbs and sugar” fad, and the artificial sweetener manufacturers seem to be taking advantage of this with a "sugar-free" marketing frenzy. And don't forget that Splenda is a simple carb.
I've gotten so many questions about how I cook for my family without food in a can or box that I thought it was time to share my knowledge, my approach and how I make it work as a busy, working mom on a seriously tight budget in a practical kinda way.
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Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Detoxification- The Lymph System and your health
The lymph system cleans up the mess made by virtually all the other systems of the body. Widely regarded as a lesser sister to the circulatory system, the lymphatic system is actually a crucial player in your body’s ability to ward off disease and heal from injury.
The lymphatic system is recognized by doctors in Europe and the Far East for its importance to preventive health care. They understand how lymphatic function supports every other system in the body, including the immune, digestive, detoxification and nervous systems. In fact, many believe that poor lymph health underlies a host of conditions, from cellulite to cancer.
By contrast, in America our practitioners don’t think much about the lymph system until something goes wrong — usually when infection causes a swollen lymph node, or worse, when we develop cancer in a lymph gland, or cancer elsewhere that metastasizes through the lymph vessels.
The reality is that you have twice as much lymph fluid in your body as blood. The lymph continuously bathes each cell and drains away the detritus in a circulatory system powered only by your breathing and movement. If the movement of the lymph stopped entirely you would die in a matter of hours.
What can you do to ensure your lymph system stays healthy? There are a number of ways to support lymphatic function that should be part of every woman’s health habits. Let’s start by exploring this amazing system.
Anatomy of the lymph system
The first thing to understand about your lymph system is its vast extent. Like the circulatory system that supplies blood, the network of lymph vessels serves almost every cell in your body.
Strung along the lymph vessels like pearls knotted on a string, the lymph nodes serve as a series of cleaning filters. Lymphatic fluid percolates through the nodes, being purified and immunologically boosted at every stage.
The lymph vessels and nodes are made of lymph tissue, but so are many other parts of the body. One crucial function of lymph tissue is generating and storing white blood cells, the blood cells that fight infection. Besides the lymph nodes, principal lymph organs include the bone marrow (where white blood cells called B-lymphocytes are made), the spleen, tonsils and the thymus gland (where T-lymphocytes are made). Lymphoma is a group of related cancers of the lymphocytes.
The largest concentration of lymph tissue in the body surrounds the intestines. Called gut-associated lymphatic tissue, or GALT, this tissue is the guardian of this largest gateway through the body’s defenses, and it actively separates desirable nutrients from undesirable pathogens, and helps mount a defense whenever needed.
© 2006 Women to Women
The flow of lymph fluid
The lymph system’s primary function is to isolate infection and cellular detritus from the rest of the body and deal with it. Imagine you are looking at a handful of living cells through a microscope. A capillary (the smallest blood vessel) delivers blood with its oxygen and nutrients. The local cells use these nutrients and excrete waste. There may be pathogens or antigens present that create an immune response, leaving dead cells and perhaps live infection. Some of the blood and waste products are picked up by tiny veins. But much of the vascular fluid and waste — and hopefully all of the live infection — is picked up by tiny lymph vessels. This process is happening all over the body all the time.
Like tributaries trickling into a stream that feeds a slow-moving river, the lymph system transports lymph fluid through ever-widening vessels, moving it through 500 filtration and collection points — your lymph nodes. At each successive node the lymph fluid is filtered and bacteria is removed. If lymph fluid is blocked in one lymph node it will usually take a detour, but when blockage is extreme it can cause the lymph fluid to back up and cause swelling in the surrounding tissue, a condition known as lymphedema.
The far-reaching lymph vessels merge at certain points to form lymphatic trunks. You have six major lymph trunks in your body, each responsible for draining filtered fluid from one region of the body.
The lumbar and intestinal trunks drain a large volume of purified lymph fluid upward from your lower extremities, pelvis and abdomen into the cisterna chyli, a widened collection pouch at the base of the thoracic duct.
Digestive fats from our food are meanwhile absorbed in the small intestine and then drawn into the lymphatic system for transport to the bloodstream via the cysterna chyli. This milky mixture of digestive fats and lymph is known as chyle.
The now enriched and purified lymph travels up your torso through the thoracic duct along the left side of your esophagus. It merges here with the lymph from your left trunk and arm, and finally returns to the bloodstream at its junction with the left subclavian vein, located above your heart and under your collarbone. A much smaller volume of filtered lymph fluid from nodes and trunks along the right side of your head, neck and arm is fed back into the bloodstream by the right lymphatic duct, on the right-hand side of your collarbone.
Amazingly, the lymphatic system has no central pump but depends on muscle contraction and manual manipulation to move fluid. Deep breathing is another essential way we can enhance movement of lymph through our bodies. And importantly, the organs of elimination (skin, kidney, liver, bladder, small and large intestines) need to be doing their jobs well so that the lymph does not get overwhelmed with waste products.
If the lymph system gets blocked or overrun (due to illness, surgery, toxic overload or lack of activity), lymph fluid backs up. This can cause swelling, joint pain, nausea and fatigue. Stagnant lymph may be stored within nodes for a long period of time but eventually becomes too toxic for the body to handle well.
Negative effects of chronic lymph blockages
All things in nature have a natural progression; when this motion is inhibited or jammed, concerns arise — and when it occurs in your lymph system, you feel it quickly.
Think again of a river: a healthy river runs clean and clear. A brackish river chugs along, thick with soot and silt that gets snagged, pocketing pollution in small pools along the way. Eventually, the sluggish river can become a breeding ground for bacteria and disease. The same is true for your lymph.
Because lymph cleanses nearly every cell in your body, symptoms of chronic lymph blockage are diverse but can include worsened allergies and food sensitivities, frequent cold and flu infections, joint pain, headaches and migraines, menstrual cramps, arthritis, fibrocystic breasts, breast tenderness, sinusitis, loss of appetite and GI issues, muscle cramping, tissue swelling, fatigue, mental fuzziness, mood irregularities, depression, parasites, skin breakouts, acne, and cellulite. In general, you may feel tired and toxic, with a heaviness in your abdomen. In Chinese medicine, practitioners call this “excessive damp” that undermines your whole health.
Stagnant lymph can also interfere with the system’s ability to cleanse more potentially hazardous concerns, such as bacteria and cancerous or diseased cells from organ tissue. Viral infections, bacteria, and cancerous or mutagenic cells move through the lymph fluid, where they are targeted and destroyed in the lymph nodes — when the system is adequate to the task.
Lymph nodes
The lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped pockets interspersed along the lymph network almost everywhere from your nose to your knees.
Lymph nodes counteract infection by filtering the lymph fluid, engulfing and removing any bacteria and foreign substances identified. Once a particular pathogen is detected, lymph nodes help customize antibodies to neutralize it. In a nutshell, immature lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow and thymus and are sent off to work in the lymph nodes and lymph tissue. There they wait until an offending substance happens along in the lymph fluid. Then, with the help of other defensive cells called APC’s (antigen-presenting cells), they target the invaders and create specific antibodies to get rid of them.
Swelling in certain node sites generally indicates an infection in the part of the body drained by those nodes. It’s a good sign when you develop swollen glands; it means your lymph system is doing its job.
The function of the spleen and immunity
The largest organ in your lymph system, your spleen is actually like a big lymph node, except that it filters your blood rather than your lymph fluid. The spleen houses a concentrated amount of immune cells and is designed to bring lymphocytes into contact with the blood, making it a major player in your ability to ward off blood-borne diseases and antigens. The spleen also removes worn-out red and white blood cells, platelets, and any other hazardous blood-borne debris.
An enlarged spleen, which can be a symptom of mononucleosis or the Epstein–Barr virus, is prone to injury and should be taken seriously. In our culture, the spleen is sometimes removed if its function declines or persistent swelling is a concern. A swollen spleen places a patient at a higher risk for hemorrhage (if it ruptures), so some doctors decide to remove a suboptimal spleen to avoid the risk.
In Eastern cultures, where the spleen and the lymph system are taken much more seriously, this is tantamount to clipping a bird’s wings. The bird will not die, but it will never fly very high again. In Chinese medicine the spleen governs the blood, the great nourisher of life. Without the guardianship of the spleen, the blood is weakened, can become either blocked or dilute, and has more difficulty supporting the rest of the organs.
I often hear my patients say, “You can live without your spleen.” My response is usually, “Yes, but how well?” Of course, if you must undergo spleen removal you should feel confident that your other organs can compensate for your lost immunity. But if you have a choice, you should make your decision knowing that the spleen exists for a reason. It does not operate in a void, and surgically removing it usually does have long-term immunological consequences. If you must do so, you must then support the rest of your immune system more carefully in response.
Most spleen concerns can be treated with an alternative protocol that includes a lot of rest, supplements, and supportive enzymes. As long as you are not endangering a swollen spleen with reckless activities, taking the time to heal it from the inside out is preferable to having it yanked. For a long time tonsils were treated with the same indifference (the lymph system just can’t get respect) — now it’s generally accepted that it’s healthier to keep them.
In fact, I don’t think any organ in the body should be treated as disposable. That kind of thinking is based on the fractured Western paradigm. But of course, all systems of the body are interconnected! Think of it this way: if you didn’t have a road map or welcome signs, would the landscape show any hint that you’d just crossed a state line? Nature respects few manmade boundaries, and when it comes to the map of your body, this is evident in the overreaching web that connects organ tissue to the lymph system and the lymph system to the immune, circulatory, endocrine, and digestive systems.
The lymphatic system, digestion and elimination
As you read above, so much of the lymph tissue is associated with the gut that it has its own acronym: GALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue). Lymphatic tissue is where much of our immunity originates, and because the digestive tract is a main path of entry for offensive substances (bacteria, allergens, heavy metals, molds, fungi, chemicals, trans fats), many lines of defense permeate the gut.
The agents involved in digestion — enzymes, acids, and intestinal flora — do away with many of the pathogens that try to invade our systems. Those that make it through are taken up and acted upon by the GALT.
The GALT itself is a kind of tasting room for pathogens. The ones that survive the initial pass of digestion get sampled by receptors in the GALT, which coordinate an immune response (including mucus production). Anyone who lacks the enzymes to digest dairy is familiar with a GALT-dictated immune response.
So, the GALT receives information from the microenvironment of the intestines in the form of which pathogenic agents get through. It then decides which of these deserve an allergic response, calling upon the immune and endocrine systems to facilitate. In this way, the GALT tissue becomes its own command center, which is one reason many practitioners call the gut the “second brain.” (For more on this topic, read The Second Brain, by Michael Gershon).
Healthy GALT function generally inhibits allergic responses and decreases food sensitivity — but this is complicated and often relies on the status of the intestinal flora and other factors. Suffice it to say that the healthier your gut-associated lymph tissue, the less sensitive you are likely to be to food-borne bacteria and chemicals.
The mucosal tissue of the intestines (the villi and lacteals) are also classified as GALT tissue, playing an important role in the transportation of digested dietary fats (or chyle) into the blood (those LDL’s and HDL’s we hear so much about) via the cisterna chyli and the thoracic duct.
Constipation, diarrhea, and other GI issues compromise the lymphatic system’s ability to do its job. If the digestive tract is suboptimal due to food sensitivities, parasites or stress, the flow of lymph and chyle will also be diminished. This can cause nausea and toxicity, exacerbating the original GI concerns. It may also play a part in the appearance of cellulite.
The lymphatic system and cellulite
Cellulite and “saddle bags” along the thighs are partially the result of impaired lymph flow to certain areas, causing immobilized pockets of fat and trapping toxins. Over 90% of women have some form of cellulite resulting from weight gain, a genetic predisposition, or inactivity.
Cellulite begins when numerous fat cells collect in one area (generally the buttocks, thighs and upper arms in women), causing the skin to bulge. The dimpling effect occurs when the connective fibers in the skin pull down in areas where body fat is pushing up. Toxins and lymph fluid accumulate in the pockets of fat. Improving the circulation of lymph in areas prone to cellulite and reducing toxic burden are two successful ways to diminish cellulite from the inside out.
Liposuction, creams, and wraps on the other hand, may reduce the appearance of cellulite but do not keep it from coming back. Invasive procedures tend to increase inflammation in the area and strain the connective tissue, which can make the situation worse over time.
Lymphatic massage
Because lymph fluid moves slowly without aid of its own pump, inactivity can seriously restrict its flow. Muscular contraction through exercise and deep breathing is the primary means by which our lymph circulates, but lymphatic massage and drainage provide another helpful option.
In Europe, patients often receive a special massage called lymph therapy or lymph drainage before undergoing surgery. This method of treatment was popularized in the US by the Danish doctor, Dr. Emil Vodder, as an effective treatment for lymphedema. Practitioners believe that it significantly improves healing by readying the system for recovery. For more information, visit Dr. Vodder’s educational website.
On an everyday basis, regular lymph massage (particularly around the abdomen, axillary nodes, and breast) can be great preventive health maintenance. There are many ways to practice lymph massage, and I recommend that you visit a certified massage therapist to learn more. However, there are some techniques you can try at home, and for those of you who are ready to try it on your own we will be offering brief instruction on lymph massage in the near future, so check back with us again soon.
Rejuvenating your lymphatic system
As you can see, the lymphatic system works steadily to keep you clean and well. The nutritional and lifestyle guidelines we offer at Women to Women will go a long way toward reducing the overall “body sludge” your lymph system must sweep away. In addition, we recommend the following steps to ensure that your lymph remains clear and unimpeded. Whether you have symptoms or not, every woman will benefit from these techniques.
• Clean up your diet. Reduce your body’s toxic burden by avoiding processed food, eating organic when possible, and eliminating simple sugars and carbohydrates. Get tested for heavy metal exposure (lead and mercury are very common in the US). The idea here is that the less waste your lymph has to deal with, the more easily it will flow.
• A regular nutritional detox and colon cleanse, supported by liver enzymes, will ease your liver and kidney burden, which in turn will decrease pressure on your spleen. Even a two–week Quick-Cleanse can do wonders.
• Investigate any food sensitivities or allergies that may be affecting your digestion. Take a medical-grade multivitamin to support your cellular function, digestion, and elimination. Look into probiotic supplements to help maintain a healthy ratio of intestinal flora. Experiment with a hypoallergenic diet for two weeks to cleanse your system of moderate food irritants. Deal with any troublesome GI issues, including parasites. Read our article on IBS and, if necessary, talk to your practitioner about relevant tests.
• Drink plenty of purified or filtered water — at least six to eight 8–oz glasses per day. Your body needs hydration to keep the fluids running!
• Consider regular visits to a lymph drainage massage therapist. This is a wonderful and healthy way to pamper yourself (and your internal organs). This is especially invaluable during a detox.
• Practice deep breathing. Breathing deeply from the diaphragm, not shallowly from the chest, and through the nose rather than the mouth, is one of the best ways to move lymph fluid through your body.
• Get regular physical exercise. Jumping on a rebounder, or mini-trampoline, just five minutes a day is a great way to get your lymph system pumping. Walking, stretching, t’ai chi, yoga, Pilates, and other moderate activities are helpful, too — especially if you do them every day. Or find an activity that suits you. Some women prefer ballroom dancing, others swimming. What’s important is that you make it a regular and joy-inducing part of your life.
• Don’t be afraid to sweat! A weekly sauna or steam bath is a pleasant way to facilitate a healthy sweat, and sweating helps detoxify the body and so supports lymphatic function. Avoid aluminum-based antiperspirants (they block sweating and add to your toxic load) and choose natural deodorants instead.
• Avoid restrictive clothing that press on your lymph nodes. Underwires and overtight bras, jeans, and skirts can impede lymph flow. Try to go bra-free for at least 12 hours a day, and don’t sleep in one. If this is uncomfortable for you, consider buying a stretchy camisole.
• If you are concerned about cellulite, massaging those specific areas and the lymph nodes in the groin on a daily basis can be helpful.
• Consider acupuncture. Chinese medical doctors are far ahead of their Western counterparts when it comes to “unsticking” the lymph system. As a treatment or preventative, acupuncture can be a great way to keep things moving. It can also help alleviate discomfort that may arise while you are detoxing.
• Examine your emotional issues. Sometimes we get stuck in a particular pattern of stress that reduces our capacity to make positive changes. Your lymph can become blocked when you are feeling stuck or unable to express yourself. Remember that your life, too, is a progression, and “our biography becomes our biology.” If you find the same situations arising over and over, you may want to take a closer look. Discuss any areas that feel stagnant or obtrusive with a friend, partner, therapist or trusted religious advisor. You may find that as your lymph system unbinds, so does your spirit.
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The lymphatic system is recognized by doctors in Europe and the Far East for its importance to preventive health care. They understand how lymphatic function supports every other system in the body, including the immune, digestive, detoxification and nervous systems. In fact, many believe that poor lymph health underlies a host of conditions, from cellulite to cancer.
By contrast, in America our practitioners don’t think much about the lymph system until something goes wrong — usually when infection causes a swollen lymph node, or worse, when we develop cancer in a lymph gland, or cancer elsewhere that metastasizes through the lymph vessels.
The reality is that you have twice as much lymph fluid in your body as blood. The lymph continuously bathes each cell and drains away the detritus in a circulatory system powered only by your breathing and movement. If the movement of the lymph stopped entirely you would die in a matter of hours.
What can you do to ensure your lymph system stays healthy? There are a number of ways to support lymphatic function that should be part of every woman’s health habits. Let’s start by exploring this amazing system.
Anatomy of the lymph system
The first thing to understand about your lymph system is its vast extent. Like the circulatory system that supplies blood, the network of lymph vessels serves almost every cell in your body.
Strung along the lymph vessels like pearls knotted on a string, the lymph nodes serve as a series of cleaning filters. Lymphatic fluid percolates through the nodes, being purified and immunologically boosted at every stage.
The lymph vessels and nodes are made of lymph tissue, but so are many other parts of the body. One crucial function of lymph tissue is generating and storing white blood cells, the blood cells that fight infection. Besides the lymph nodes, principal lymph organs include the bone marrow (where white blood cells called B-lymphocytes are made), the spleen, tonsils and the thymus gland (where T-lymphocytes are made). Lymphoma is a group of related cancers of the lymphocytes.
The largest concentration of lymph tissue in the body surrounds the intestines. Called gut-associated lymphatic tissue, or GALT, this tissue is the guardian of this largest gateway through the body’s defenses, and it actively separates desirable nutrients from undesirable pathogens, and helps mount a defense whenever needed.
© 2006 Women to Women
The flow of lymph fluid
The lymph system’s primary function is to isolate infection and cellular detritus from the rest of the body and deal with it. Imagine you are looking at a handful of living cells through a microscope. A capillary (the smallest blood vessel) delivers blood with its oxygen and nutrients. The local cells use these nutrients and excrete waste. There may be pathogens or antigens present that create an immune response, leaving dead cells and perhaps live infection. Some of the blood and waste products are picked up by tiny veins. But much of the vascular fluid and waste — and hopefully all of the live infection — is picked up by tiny lymph vessels. This process is happening all over the body all the time.
Like tributaries trickling into a stream that feeds a slow-moving river, the lymph system transports lymph fluid through ever-widening vessels, moving it through 500 filtration and collection points — your lymph nodes. At each successive node the lymph fluid is filtered and bacteria is removed. If lymph fluid is blocked in one lymph node it will usually take a detour, but when blockage is extreme it can cause the lymph fluid to back up and cause swelling in the surrounding tissue, a condition known as lymphedema.
The far-reaching lymph vessels merge at certain points to form lymphatic trunks. You have six major lymph trunks in your body, each responsible for draining filtered fluid from one region of the body.
The lumbar and intestinal trunks drain a large volume of purified lymph fluid upward from your lower extremities, pelvis and abdomen into the cisterna chyli, a widened collection pouch at the base of the thoracic duct.
Digestive fats from our food are meanwhile absorbed in the small intestine and then drawn into the lymphatic system for transport to the bloodstream via the cysterna chyli. This milky mixture of digestive fats and lymph is known as chyle.
The now enriched and purified lymph travels up your torso through the thoracic duct along the left side of your esophagus. It merges here with the lymph from your left trunk and arm, and finally returns to the bloodstream at its junction with the left subclavian vein, located above your heart and under your collarbone. A much smaller volume of filtered lymph fluid from nodes and trunks along the right side of your head, neck and arm is fed back into the bloodstream by the right lymphatic duct, on the right-hand side of your collarbone.
Amazingly, the lymphatic system has no central pump but depends on muscle contraction and manual manipulation to move fluid. Deep breathing is another essential way we can enhance movement of lymph through our bodies. And importantly, the organs of elimination (skin, kidney, liver, bladder, small and large intestines) need to be doing their jobs well so that the lymph does not get overwhelmed with waste products.
If the lymph system gets blocked or overrun (due to illness, surgery, toxic overload or lack of activity), lymph fluid backs up. This can cause swelling, joint pain, nausea and fatigue. Stagnant lymph may be stored within nodes for a long period of time but eventually becomes too toxic for the body to handle well.
Negative effects of chronic lymph blockages
All things in nature have a natural progression; when this motion is inhibited or jammed, concerns arise — and when it occurs in your lymph system, you feel it quickly.
Think again of a river: a healthy river runs clean and clear. A brackish river chugs along, thick with soot and silt that gets snagged, pocketing pollution in small pools along the way. Eventually, the sluggish river can become a breeding ground for bacteria and disease. The same is true for your lymph.
Because lymph cleanses nearly every cell in your body, symptoms of chronic lymph blockage are diverse but can include worsened allergies and food sensitivities, frequent cold and flu infections, joint pain, headaches and migraines, menstrual cramps, arthritis, fibrocystic breasts, breast tenderness, sinusitis, loss of appetite and GI issues, muscle cramping, tissue swelling, fatigue, mental fuzziness, mood irregularities, depression, parasites, skin breakouts, acne, and cellulite. In general, you may feel tired and toxic, with a heaviness in your abdomen. In Chinese medicine, practitioners call this “excessive damp” that undermines your whole health.
Stagnant lymph can also interfere with the system’s ability to cleanse more potentially hazardous concerns, such as bacteria and cancerous or diseased cells from organ tissue. Viral infections, bacteria, and cancerous or mutagenic cells move through the lymph fluid, where they are targeted and destroyed in the lymph nodes — when the system is adequate to the task.
Lymph nodes
The lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped pockets interspersed along the lymph network almost everywhere from your nose to your knees.
Lymph nodes counteract infection by filtering the lymph fluid, engulfing and removing any bacteria and foreign substances identified. Once a particular pathogen is detected, lymph nodes help customize antibodies to neutralize it. In a nutshell, immature lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow and thymus and are sent off to work in the lymph nodes and lymph tissue. There they wait until an offending substance happens along in the lymph fluid. Then, with the help of other defensive cells called APC’s (antigen-presenting cells), they target the invaders and create specific antibodies to get rid of them.
Swelling in certain node sites generally indicates an infection in the part of the body drained by those nodes. It’s a good sign when you develop swollen glands; it means your lymph system is doing its job.
The function of the spleen and immunity
The largest organ in your lymph system, your spleen is actually like a big lymph node, except that it filters your blood rather than your lymph fluid. The spleen houses a concentrated amount of immune cells and is designed to bring lymphocytes into contact with the blood, making it a major player in your ability to ward off blood-borne diseases and antigens. The spleen also removes worn-out red and white blood cells, platelets, and any other hazardous blood-borne debris.
An enlarged spleen, which can be a symptom of mononucleosis or the Epstein–Barr virus, is prone to injury and should be taken seriously. In our culture, the spleen is sometimes removed if its function declines or persistent swelling is a concern. A swollen spleen places a patient at a higher risk for hemorrhage (if it ruptures), so some doctors decide to remove a suboptimal spleen to avoid the risk.
In Eastern cultures, where the spleen and the lymph system are taken much more seriously, this is tantamount to clipping a bird’s wings. The bird will not die, but it will never fly very high again. In Chinese medicine the spleen governs the blood, the great nourisher of life. Without the guardianship of the spleen, the blood is weakened, can become either blocked or dilute, and has more difficulty supporting the rest of the organs.
I often hear my patients say, “You can live without your spleen.” My response is usually, “Yes, but how well?” Of course, if you must undergo spleen removal you should feel confident that your other organs can compensate for your lost immunity. But if you have a choice, you should make your decision knowing that the spleen exists for a reason. It does not operate in a void, and surgically removing it usually does have long-term immunological consequences. If you must do so, you must then support the rest of your immune system more carefully in response.
Most spleen concerns can be treated with an alternative protocol that includes a lot of rest, supplements, and supportive enzymes. As long as you are not endangering a swollen spleen with reckless activities, taking the time to heal it from the inside out is preferable to having it yanked. For a long time tonsils were treated with the same indifference (the lymph system just can’t get respect) — now it’s generally accepted that it’s healthier to keep them.
In fact, I don’t think any organ in the body should be treated as disposable. That kind of thinking is based on the fractured Western paradigm. But of course, all systems of the body are interconnected! Think of it this way: if you didn’t have a road map or welcome signs, would the landscape show any hint that you’d just crossed a state line? Nature respects few manmade boundaries, and when it comes to the map of your body, this is evident in the overreaching web that connects organ tissue to the lymph system and the lymph system to the immune, circulatory, endocrine, and digestive systems.
The lymphatic system, digestion and elimination
As you read above, so much of the lymph tissue is associated with the gut that it has its own acronym: GALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue). Lymphatic tissue is where much of our immunity originates, and because the digestive tract is a main path of entry for offensive substances (bacteria, allergens, heavy metals, molds, fungi, chemicals, trans fats), many lines of defense permeate the gut.
The agents involved in digestion — enzymes, acids, and intestinal flora — do away with many of the pathogens that try to invade our systems. Those that make it through are taken up and acted upon by the GALT.
The GALT itself is a kind of tasting room for pathogens. The ones that survive the initial pass of digestion get sampled by receptors in the GALT, which coordinate an immune response (including mucus production). Anyone who lacks the enzymes to digest dairy is familiar with a GALT-dictated immune response.
So, the GALT receives information from the microenvironment of the intestines in the form of which pathogenic agents get through. It then decides which of these deserve an allergic response, calling upon the immune and endocrine systems to facilitate. In this way, the GALT tissue becomes its own command center, which is one reason many practitioners call the gut the “second brain.” (For more on this topic, read The Second Brain, by Michael Gershon).
Healthy GALT function generally inhibits allergic responses and decreases food sensitivity — but this is complicated and often relies on the status of the intestinal flora and other factors. Suffice it to say that the healthier your gut-associated lymph tissue, the less sensitive you are likely to be to food-borne bacteria and chemicals.
The mucosal tissue of the intestines (the villi and lacteals) are also classified as GALT tissue, playing an important role in the transportation of digested dietary fats (or chyle) into the blood (those LDL’s and HDL’s we hear so much about) via the cisterna chyli and the thoracic duct.
Constipation, diarrhea, and other GI issues compromise the lymphatic system’s ability to do its job. If the digestive tract is suboptimal due to food sensitivities, parasites or stress, the flow of lymph and chyle will also be diminished. This can cause nausea and toxicity, exacerbating the original GI concerns. It may also play a part in the appearance of cellulite.
The lymphatic system and cellulite
Cellulite and “saddle bags” along the thighs are partially the result of impaired lymph flow to certain areas, causing immobilized pockets of fat and trapping toxins. Over 90% of women have some form of cellulite resulting from weight gain, a genetic predisposition, or inactivity.
Cellulite begins when numerous fat cells collect in one area (generally the buttocks, thighs and upper arms in women), causing the skin to bulge. The dimpling effect occurs when the connective fibers in the skin pull down in areas where body fat is pushing up. Toxins and lymph fluid accumulate in the pockets of fat. Improving the circulation of lymph in areas prone to cellulite and reducing toxic burden are two successful ways to diminish cellulite from the inside out.
Liposuction, creams, and wraps on the other hand, may reduce the appearance of cellulite but do not keep it from coming back. Invasive procedures tend to increase inflammation in the area and strain the connective tissue, which can make the situation worse over time.
Lymphatic massage
Because lymph fluid moves slowly without aid of its own pump, inactivity can seriously restrict its flow. Muscular contraction through exercise and deep breathing is the primary means by which our lymph circulates, but lymphatic massage and drainage provide another helpful option.
In Europe, patients often receive a special massage called lymph therapy or lymph drainage before undergoing surgery. This method of treatment was popularized in the US by the Danish doctor, Dr. Emil Vodder, as an effective treatment for lymphedema. Practitioners believe that it significantly improves healing by readying the system for recovery. For more information, visit Dr. Vodder’s educational website.
On an everyday basis, regular lymph massage (particularly around the abdomen, axillary nodes, and breast) can be great preventive health maintenance. There are many ways to practice lymph massage, and I recommend that you visit a certified massage therapist to learn more. However, there are some techniques you can try at home, and for those of you who are ready to try it on your own we will be offering brief instruction on lymph massage in the near future, so check back with us again soon.
Rejuvenating your lymphatic system
As you can see, the lymphatic system works steadily to keep you clean and well. The nutritional and lifestyle guidelines we offer at Women to Women will go a long way toward reducing the overall “body sludge” your lymph system must sweep away. In addition, we recommend the following steps to ensure that your lymph remains clear and unimpeded. Whether you have symptoms or not, every woman will benefit from these techniques.
• Clean up your diet. Reduce your body’s toxic burden by avoiding processed food, eating organic when possible, and eliminating simple sugars and carbohydrates. Get tested for heavy metal exposure (lead and mercury are very common in the US). The idea here is that the less waste your lymph has to deal with, the more easily it will flow.
• A regular nutritional detox and colon cleanse, supported by liver enzymes, will ease your liver and kidney burden, which in turn will decrease pressure on your spleen. Even a two–week Quick-Cleanse can do wonders.
• Investigate any food sensitivities or allergies that may be affecting your digestion. Take a medical-grade multivitamin to support your cellular function, digestion, and elimination. Look into probiotic supplements to help maintain a healthy ratio of intestinal flora. Experiment with a hypoallergenic diet for two weeks to cleanse your system of moderate food irritants. Deal with any troublesome GI issues, including parasites. Read our article on IBS and, if necessary, talk to your practitioner about relevant tests.
• Drink plenty of purified or filtered water — at least six to eight 8–oz glasses per day. Your body needs hydration to keep the fluids running!
• Consider regular visits to a lymph drainage massage therapist. This is a wonderful and healthy way to pamper yourself (and your internal organs). This is especially invaluable during a detox.
• Practice deep breathing. Breathing deeply from the diaphragm, not shallowly from the chest, and through the nose rather than the mouth, is one of the best ways to move lymph fluid through your body.
• Get regular physical exercise. Jumping on a rebounder, or mini-trampoline, just five minutes a day is a great way to get your lymph system pumping. Walking, stretching, t’ai chi, yoga, Pilates, and other moderate activities are helpful, too — especially if you do them every day. Or find an activity that suits you. Some women prefer ballroom dancing, others swimming. What’s important is that you make it a regular and joy-inducing part of your life.
• Don’t be afraid to sweat! A weekly sauna or steam bath is a pleasant way to facilitate a healthy sweat, and sweating helps detoxify the body and so supports lymphatic function. Avoid aluminum-based antiperspirants (they block sweating and add to your toxic load) and choose natural deodorants instead.
• Avoid restrictive clothing that press on your lymph nodes. Underwires and overtight bras, jeans, and skirts can impede lymph flow. Try to go bra-free for at least 12 hours a day, and don’t sleep in one. If this is uncomfortable for you, consider buying a stretchy camisole.
• If you are concerned about cellulite, massaging those specific areas and the lymph nodes in the groin on a daily basis can be helpful.
• Consider acupuncture. Chinese medical doctors are far ahead of their Western counterparts when it comes to “unsticking” the lymph system. As a treatment or preventative, acupuncture can be a great way to keep things moving. It can also help alleviate discomfort that may arise while you are detoxing.
• Examine your emotional issues. Sometimes we get stuck in a particular pattern of stress that reduces our capacity to make positive changes. Your lymph can become blocked when you are feeling stuck or unable to express yourself. Remember that your life, too, is a progression, and “our biography becomes our biology.” If you find the same situations arising over and over, you may want to take a closer look. Discuss any areas that feel stagnant or obtrusive with a friend, partner, therapist or trusted religious advisor. You may find that as your lymph system unbinds, so does your spirit.
Our Personal Program is a great place to start
The Personal Program promotes natural hormonal balance with nutritional supplements, our exclusive endocrine support formula, dietary and lifestyle guidance, and consultations with our Certified M’lis Wellness Consultants.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Body Wraps...Let us Wrap you to Perfection!
All of our cellulite reduction services at Inner Bliss Health & Wellness Spa are targeted for maximum benefits and comfort including our exclusive line of M'lis Body Contour Wrap, and internal cleansing wrap targeted to detoxify and cleanse tissue underneath the skin. Developed by a bio-chemist from the UCLA medical center, this wrap process was originally formulated to encourage circulatory and lymphatic flow in patients. It was meant for those suffering from diabetes or any disease that inhibited circulation, especially in lower extremities. Researched showed that because of this increased flow of both the lymphatic and circulatory systems from the body contour wraps, the patient was also experiencing cleansing of the tissues. This in turn, caused healthy inch loss through internal cleansing… not only does the body benefit internally, but the external benefits of contouring and inch loss make this wrap ideal for our client's quest for a healthier mind and body.
There are so many wraps to choose from, how do I know which one is most effective?
Salt solutions, mineral salt wraps, seaweed and liquid herbal wraps, clay wraps, thigh creams all promote toxins and water release from the skin, however, all these processes dehydrate and age the skin by water loss and the "weight loss" returns upon ingestion of fluids. Inner Bliss Health & Wellness Spa utilizes the M'lis Body Contour Wrap. This internal cleansing wrap is an herbal formulation which works externally to internally versus other wraps on the market. This type of program aids in the removal of wastes that have become trapped in vulnerable parts of our bodies. The M'lis Body Contour Wrap is basically a cleansing process of the tissue (detoxification) underneath the skin and helps restore elasticity to loose, flabby skin. It does not dehydrate and age the skin, thus it is the healthiest type of wrap. Many body wraps have come and gone, but the M'lis Body Contour Wrap has been successfully utilized in spas, helping people lose inches, for over 25 years.
What types of benefits will I see?
The Body Contour Wrap has many benefits, especially when the client incorporates their cellulite reduction treatments with eating cleansing types of foods (fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, whole grains) exercising regularly and drinking 1-2 liters of water a day and choosing a less toxic diet overall. Benefits include the following:
• Lose up to 1/2 dress or pant size with each wrap
• Provides cellulite reduction through detoxifying body cleansing
• Benefits are immediate and inch loss is real
• Addresses the real cause of cellulite in a holistic non-invasive manner
• Warm, luxurious and comfortable, not at all messy
• Not a water loss wrap - skin and body stay hydrated
• Inch loss is permanent when supported by a healthy lifestyle
How often should I get a body wrap?
A series of 4 to 8 body wraps is recommended and there should be 4 to 6 days between each wrap. If a client is overweight and on weight loss program, a wrap is suggested for each 5-10 pounds lost.
Get wrapped up in the buzz on the most effective wraps for cellulite reduction and body contouring!
Let us Wrap you to Perfection.
4957 Big Lake Rd
Lake Charles, La 70615
An Authorized M'Lis Dealer
Beautiful Face ~ Beautiful Body ~ Beautiful Soul!
There are so many wraps to choose from, how do I know which one is most effective?
Salt solutions, mineral salt wraps, seaweed and liquid herbal wraps, clay wraps, thigh creams all promote toxins and water release from the skin, however, all these processes dehydrate and age the skin by water loss and the "weight loss" returns upon ingestion of fluids. Inner Bliss Health & Wellness Spa utilizes the M'lis Body Contour Wrap. This internal cleansing wrap is an herbal formulation which works externally to internally versus other wraps on the market. This type of program aids in the removal of wastes that have become trapped in vulnerable parts of our bodies. The M'lis Body Contour Wrap is basically a cleansing process of the tissue (detoxification) underneath the skin and helps restore elasticity to loose, flabby skin. It does not dehydrate and age the skin, thus it is the healthiest type of wrap. Many body wraps have come and gone, but the M'lis Body Contour Wrap has been successfully utilized in spas, helping people lose inches, for over 25 years.
What types of benefits will I see?
The Body Contour Wrap has many benefits, especially when the client incorporates their cellulite reduction treatments with eating cleansing types of foods (fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, whole grains) exercising regularly and drinking 1-2 liters of water a day and choosing a less toxic diet overall. Benefits include the following:
• Lose up to 1/2 dress or pant size with each wrap
• Provides cellulite reduction through detoxifying body cleansing
• Benefits are immediate and inch loss is real
• Addresses the real cause of cellulite in a holistic non-invasive manner
• Warm, luxurious and comfortable, not at all messy
• Not a water loss wrap - skin and body stay hydrated
• Inch loss is permanent when supported by a healthy lifestyle
How often should I get a body wrap?
A series of 4 to 8 body wraps is recommended and there should be 4 to 6 days between each wrap. If a client is overweight and on weight loss program, a wrap is suggested for each 5-10 pounds lost.
Get wrapped up in the buzz on the most effective wraps for cellulite reduction and body contouring!
Let us Wrap you to Perfection.
4957 Big Lake Rd
Lake Charles, La 70615
An Authorized M'Lis Dealer
Beautiful Face ~ Beautiful Body ~ Beautiful Soul!
Give the gift of Inner Bliss...Gift Certificates!
The perfect gift for any occassion, Inner Bliss gift certificates can be purchased for any denomination or specific service and may be used for Inner Bliss Health & Wellness spa treatments.
Just like our decadent treatments, Inner Bliss gift certificates are appointed with the same attention to detail, any recipiant is sure to be thrilled by such a beautiful presentation and a peek into the sensory heaven that awaits them.
Our staff at Inner Bliss Health & Wellness Spa maintains a level of expertise and professionalism that makes for an unforgettable experience. We take pride in providing an environment of serenity and relaxation that is hard to achieve in today's busy life. We strive to present our clients with treatments using fresh, organic ingredients, void of harsh chemicals and preservatives, which we believe are partly responsible for so many ailments and diseases in our society today. We invite you to come and indulge in a one of a kind experience. Experience a form of healing and relaxation that has been used for centuries. Massage therapy can relieve stress and anxiety, improve your energy level and provide you with an overall sense of wellness. Please speak with your technician about any problems or conditions you may have, so that an appropriate massage may be created specifically for you.
4957 Big Lake Rd
Lake Charles, La 70615
An Authorized M'Lis Dealer
Beautiful Face ~ Beautiful Body ~ Beautiful Soul!
Just like our decadent treatments, Inner Bliss gift certificates are appointed with the same attention to detail, any recipiant is sure to be thrilled by such a beautiful presentation and a peek into the sensory heaven that awaits them.
Our staff at Inner Bliss Health & Wellness Spa maintains a level of expertise and professionalism that makes for an unforgettable experience. We take pride in providing an environment of serenity and relaxation that is hard to achieve in today's busy life. We strive to present our clients with treatments using fresh, organic ingredients, void of harsh chemicals and preservatives, which we believe are partly responsible for so many ailments and diseases in our society today. We invite you to come and indulge in a one of a kind experience. Experience a form of healing and relaxation that has been used for centuries. Massage therapy can relieve stress and anxiety, improve your energy level and provide you with an overall sense of wellness. Please speak with your technician about any problems or conditions you may have, so that an appropriate massage may be created specifically for you.
4957 Big Lake Rd
Lake Charles, La 70615
An Authorized M'Lis Dealer
Beautiful Face ~ Beautiful Body ~ Beautiful Soul!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
1 small onion (or green onions)
1 container of fresh crab meat (drained) 6oz
1 large package cream cheese (whipped cream cheese)
Unsalted butter (2 teaspoons enough to sauté onions)
On stove add butter, green onions, crab meat finely chop sauté in pan until crab meat is cooked. Add cream cheese and mix together.
Sea Salt and paprika may be added for extra color.
Place in bowl and serve with crackers or chips.
Variation: Shrimp may be used instead of crab.
1 small onion (or green onions)
1 container of fresh crab meat (drained) 6oz
1 large package cream cheese (whipped cream cheese)
Unsalted butter (2 teaspoons enough to sauté onions)
On stove add butter, green onions, crab meat finely chop sauté in pan until crab meat is cooked. Add cream cheese and mix together.
Sea Salt and paprika may be added for extra color.
Place in bowl and serve with crackers or chips.
Variation: Shrimp may be used instead of crab.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Fungus causes most chronic sinusitis, researchers say
Fungus causes most chronic sinusitis, researchers say
The Mayo Clinic Breakthrough
(CNN) -- "Fungus may be the cause of almost all cases of the most frequently reported chronic disease in the United States, sinusitis, instead of only a few as previously thought. And that may be the reason millions of sinus sufferers do not find relief from antibiotics and nasal sprays, according to Mayo Clinic researchers.
"We were able to find fungus which was never thought to be there in almost every case of chronic sinusitis," said Mayo Clinic's Dr. Jens Poinkau.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the nose and sinuses. Nearly 37 million Americans suffer from it. Sinusitis commonly causes chronic headaches, runny nose, nasal congestion and a diminished sense of smell and taste.
Fungus and mold spores are present in the air and are breathed in all the time. The Mayo Clinic research team looked at 210 patients with sinusitis and discovered more than 40 different kinds of fungi in their nasal passages.
"The amazing thing is that also the inflammation which leads to chronic sinusitis was there in a reaction to the fungus," said Poinkau. Jordan Josephson, an ear, nose and throat specialist in New York, said he was not surprised by the findings.
It was previously known that fungus caused some cases of sinusitis, he said. "The problem is that until recently, when technology improved in our laboratory, we weren't able to culture out the fungus. So now we get better fungal cultures, and we're now getting fungus on more and more of our patients," Josephson said. Now that the fungus problem has been identified, researchers hope to develop better treatments to fight it and to control the body's sensitivity to it.
"The problem is that patients are sensitive to the fungus. And until we find something to change the DNA of that person, or the genetics of that person, change their sensitivity to the fungus, they are always going to be sensitive to that fungus," said Josephson. While research into chronic sinusitis continues, pharmaceutical companies are setting up clinical trials to test medications to control the fungus. They estimate it will be two years before any treatments are available."
Interesting that the doctors take the tack of expecting to find a way to control the fungus through drugs. Why not eradicate it at the source? That's what we are going to suggest. But what is the source of this fungus? Why do you have it in the first place?
The Mayo Clinic Breakthrough
(CNN) -- "Fungus may be the cause of almost all cases of the most frequently reported chronic disease in the United States, sinusitis, instead of only a few as previously thought. And that may be the reason millions of sinus sufferers do not find relief from antibiotics and nasal sprays, according to Mayo Clinic researchers.
"We were able to find fungus which was never thought to be there in almost every case of chronic sinusitis," said Mayo Clinic's Dr. Jens Poinkau.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the nose and sinuses. Nearly 37 million Americans suffer from it. Sinusitis commonly causes chronic headaches, runny nose, nasal congestion and a diminished sense of smell and taste.
Fungus and mold spores are present in the air and are breathed in all the time. The Mayo Clinic research team looked at 210 patients with sinusitis and discovered more than 40 different kinds of fungi in their nasal passages.
"The amazing thing is that also the inflammation which leads to chronic sinusitis was there in a reaction to the fungus," said Poinkau. Jordan Josephson, an ear, nose and throat specialist in New York, said he was not surprised by the findings.
It was previously known that fungus caused some cases of sinusitis, he said. "The problem is that until recently, when technology improved in our laboratory, we weren't able to culture out the fungus. So now we get better fungal cultures, and we're now getting fungus on more and more of our patients," Josephson said. Now that the fungus problem has been identified, researchers hope to develop better treatments to fight it and to control the body's sensitivity to it.
"The problem is that patients are sensitive to the fungus. And until we find something to change the DNA of that person, or the genetics of that person, change their sensitivity to the fungus, they are always going to be sensitive to that fungus," said Josephson. While research into chronic sinusitis continues, pharmaceutical companies are setting up clinical trials to test medications to control the fungus. They estimate it will be two years before any treatments are available."
Interesting that the doctors take the tack of expecting to find a way to control the fungus through drugs. Why not eradicate it at the source? That's what we are going to suggest. But what is the source of this fungus? Why do you have it in the first place?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Candida - yeast infection - is known as the disease that makes you feel "sick all over".
Candida - yeast infection - is known as the disease that makes you feel "sick all over". It can also be confused with other food intolerance like dairy and gluten intolerance.
How common is Candida?
Yeast infection is extremely common. Up to one in three or 35% of people have yeast infections at any time. Could this be you?
What are the symptoms of Candida?
Yeast infection carries the widest spectrum of symptoms of any food sensitivity: skin problems like ringworm, gastro-intestinal problems, lethargy, headache, breathing difficulties, mood swings.
Candida - yeast infection - is known as the disease that makes you feel "sick all over". It can also be confused with other food intolerance like dairy and gluten intolerance.
How is Candida identified?
Although clinical testing is available it is generally inconclusive. The most useful indicator is the patient's history of yeast infections: vaginal, ear or throat infections, jock itch etc.
Yeast infection can appear with hormonal change like pregnancy, hormone therapy or the contraceptive pill.
Yeast infection carries the widest spectrum of symptoms of any food sensitivity: skin problems like ringworm, gastro-intestinal problems, lethargy, headache, breathing difficulties, mood swings.
How did I get Candida?
The appearance of Candida can indicate stress or a compromised immune system.
Anything that weakens the immune system can trigger a yeast infection: the Pill, stress, poor diet, repeated courses of antibiotics, hormonal changes.
A yeast infection can often be a real indicator of stress in a person otherwise unwilling to acknowledge such a situation.
How is Candida treated?
For Yeast infections a combination of yeast-free diet
When will I be cured from Candida?
For most people a yeast-free diet is a temporary measure until the body recovers. Once the Candida overgrowth is under control you can resume a normal diet.
The hardest thing about a yeast-free diet is knowing about 'hidden' yeast in foodstuffs, beverages and medications.
Yeast Infection
The Candida yeast organism is normally kept in check by the human immune system. But sometimes, particularly when the immune system is compromised it will multiply rapidly and overwhelm our systems leading to a variety of unpleasant symptoms – collectively known as Candidiasis or yeast infection.
Candida is opportunistic. That is, it takes over when mechanisms that usually keep it in check are temporarily weakened.
Hormonal changes in the body, as with hormone therapy, pregnancy and the contraceptive pill can trigger a yeast infection in people whose immune systems are under challenge, stress. Repeated courses of anti-biotics can also be a trigger.
Beating Candida
If you are sure you have a Yeast sensitivity problem, a Yeast-free diet is central to your recovery.
You must be vigilant about avoiding yeasts in foods, drinks and medications
Here's a list of the services Inner Bliss Health & Wellness offers:
Deep Healing Massage
Mother’s Massage
Gentle Massage
Couples Massage
Inner Bliss has 3 Massage Therapists just waiting for you to call to schedule an appointment.
Our massages promote:
Relaxation, Physical Healing, Improved Mobility, Pain Relief,
Detoxification, Increased Energy, Improved Circulation, improved Sleeping Patterns, Stress Reduction, and Increased Productivity.
We also have Wellness Programs including Weight Loss & Candida.
Try our great "all natural" BODY WRAPS!
Don't forget to schedule a Detoxification for the Feet and try our 3-Day liquid Detox to cleanse your Body!
Please call (337)475-2547 to schedule a wellness consult today.
Inner Bliss Health & Wellness
4957 Big Lake Rd, Lake Charles, LA
How common is Candida?
Yeast infection is extremely common. Up to one in three or 35% of people have yeast infections at any time. Could this be you?
What are the symptoms of Candida?
Yeast infection carries the widest spectrum of symptoms of any food sensitivity: skin problems like ringworm, gastro-intestinal problems, lethargy, headache, breathing difficulties, mood swings.
Candida - yeast infection - is known as the disease that makes you feel "sick all over". It can also be confused with other food intolerance like dairy and gluten intolerance.
How is Candida identified?
Although clinical testing is available it is generally inconclusive. The most useful indicator is the patient's history of yeast infections: vaginal, ear or throat infections, jock itch etc.
Yeast infection can appear with hormonal change like pregnancy, hormone therapy or the contraceptive pill.
Yeast infection carries the widest spectrum of symptoms of any food sensitivity: skin problems like ringworm, gastro-intestinal problems, lethargy, headache, breathing difficulties, mood swings.
How did I get Candida?
The appearance of Candida can indicate stress or a compromised immune system.
Anything that weakens the immune system can trigger a yeast infection: the Pill, stress, poor diet, repeated courses of antibiotics, hormonal changes.
A yeast infection can often be a real indicator of stress in a person otherwise unwilling to acknowledge such a situation.
How is Candida treated?
For Yeast infections a combination of yeast-free diet
When will I be cured from Candida?
For most people a yeast-free diet is a temporary measure until the body recovers. Once the Candida overgrowth is under control you can resume a normal diet.
The hardest thing about a yeast-free diet is knowing about 'hidden' yeast in foodstuffs, beverages and medications.
Yeast Infection
The Candida yeast organism is normally kept in check by the human immune system. But sometimes, particularly when the immune system is compromised it will multiply rapidly and overwhelm our systems leading to a variety of unpleasant symptoms – collectively known as Candidiasis or yeast infection.
Candida is opportunistic. That is, it takes over when mechanisms that usually keep it in check are temporarily weakened.
Hormonal changes in the body, as with hormone therapy, pregnancy and the contraceptive pill can trigger a yeast infection in people whose immune systems are under challenge, stress. Repeated courses of anti-biotics can also be a trigger.
Beating Candida
If you are sure you have a Yeast sensitivity problem, a Yeast-free diet is central to your recovery.
You must be vigilant about avoiding yeasts in foods, drinks and medications
Here's a list of the services Inner Bliss Health & Wellness offers:
Deep Healing Massage
Mother’s Massage
Gentle Massage
Couples Massage
Inner Bliss has 3 Massage Therapists just waiting for you to call to schedule an appointment.
Our massages promote:
Relaxation, Physical Healing, Improved Mobility, Pain Relief,
Detoxification, Increased Energy, Improved Circulation, improved Sleeping Patterns, Stress Reduction, and Increased Productivity.
We also have Wellness Programs including Weight Loss & Candida.
Try our great "all natural" BODY WRAPS!
Don't forget to schedule a Detoxification for the Feet and try our 3-Day liquid Detox to cleanse your Body!
Please call (337)475-2547 to schedule a wellness consult today.
Inner Bliss Health & Wellness
4957 Big Lake Rd, Lake Charles, LA
Turkey & Vegetables Skillet

Turkey & Vegetables Skillet
A quick, easy and low calorie dinner.
1 medium onion, peeled and chopped
3 medium whole tomatoes, chopped
3 tbsps tomato paste
2 tsps dried basil
2 tsps dried oregano
2 tsps garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
2 medium zucchini, sliced
12 oz lean ground turkey
Spray non-stick cooking spray in a large skillet.
Brown turkey and onion over medium heat until turkey is cooked through and onion is soft, about 10 minutes.
Add tomatoes, tomato paste and seasonings. Simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes.
Add zucchini and cook for 5 minutes more. Serve while hot.
A great substitute for mashed potatoes

Classic Mashed Cauliflower
A great substitute for mashed potatoes.
1 head medium cauliflower
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 fl oz water
1 dash sea salt
Chop cauliflower into flourettes, boil until very tender (about 10 minutes).
Drain and place in a blender or food processor.
Add olive oil and water, one tablespoon at a time until a smooth consistency, similar to mashed potatoes, is reached.
Season with sea salt and pepper and/or chives to taste. Serve immediately.
A low calorie and high fiber alternative to pasta.

Cabbage Noodles
A low calorie and high fiber alternative to pasta.
Ingredients 4 cups shredded cabbage
1 tsp sea salt
Boil a quart of water in a pot, add sea salt.
Shred cabbage and add to boiling water.
Cook until tender-soft.
Drain in a colander.
Add your favorite pasta sauce.
Try different sauces, but tomato-based sauces taste best with cabbage.
Gluten Free Pan Fried Chicken
Gluten Free Pan Fried Chicken
1/2 teaspoon(s) ground red pepper (cayenne)
3/4 teaspoon(s) sea salt
1 (3-pound) cut-up chicken
5 or 6 tablespoons of coconut oil (I use LouAna Coconut Oil)
Frying chicken is a quick and simple way of cooking chicken where the cooking can be accomplished by the use of two different methods, pan-frying and deep-fat frying. Both methods work on the principle of using hot oil to cook the chicken, producing chicken with a crispy brown outside and juicy, flavorful meat inside. The chicken is generally coated with a thin layer of brown rice flour. Chicken pieces are generally used for frying, rather than a whole chicken.
Pan-Frying: When pan-frying, a heavy skillet with deep sides is generally used. The chicken pieces are coated with flour that has been seasoned with salt, pepper and at times, paprika. It can also be seasoned with other spices, such as chili or curry powder, marjoram, oregano, basil, thyme, and rosemary to create a desired flavor.
To fry, heat 5 or 6 tablespoons of oil in a heavy skillet over a medium-high burner until the oil is very hot. Place the chicken pieces in the hot oil, skin side down, one piece at a time. Leave enough space between pieces so that they are not crowded. This allows the pieces to cook and brown more evenly.
Continue to cook over a medium heat, turning until all sides are golden brown and the meat is cooked thoroughly.
As the pieces finish cooking, they should be removed from the pan and placed on a paper towel to allow grease to drain.
Bob's Red Mill Organic Brown Rice Flour
• Made from pure organic brown rice
• An excellent source of protein, fiber, and minerals such as magnesium and selenium
• A mild, nutty flour ideal for gluten-free baking
• California-grown and packaged in Milwaukie, Oregon
Coconut Oil: Ideal for baking, sauteing, and stir-frying, due to its excellent flavor and aroma. Coconut oil contains no trans fat and no cholesterol.
1/2 teaspoon(s) ground red pepper (cayenne)
3/4 teaspoon(s) sea salt
1 (3-pound) cut-up chicken
5 or 6 tablespoons of coconut oil (I use LouAna Coconut Oil)
Frying chicken is a quick and simple way of cooking chicken where the cooking can be accomplished by the use of two different methods, pan-frying and deep-fat frying. Both methods work on the principle of using hot oil to cook the chicken, producing chicken with a crispy brown outside and juicy, flavorful meat inside. The chicken is generally coated with a thin layer of brown rice flour. Chicken pieces are generally used for frying, rather than a whole chicken.
Pan-Frying: When pan-frying, a heavy skillet with deep sides is generally used. The chicken pieces are coated with flour that has been seasoned with salt, pepper and at times, paprika. It can also be seasoned with other spices, such as chili or curry powder, marjoram, oregano, basil, thyme, and rosemary to create a desired flavor.
To fry, heat 5 or 6 tablespoons of oil in a heavy skillet over a medium-high burner until the oil is very hot. Place the chicken pieces in the hot oil, skin side down, one piece at a time. Leave enough space between pieces so that they are not crowded. This allows the pieces to cook and brown more evenly.
Continue to cook over a medium heat, turning until all sides are golden brown and the meat is cooked thoroughly.
As the pieces finish cooking, they should be removed from the pan and placed on a paper towel to allow grease to drain.
Bob's Red Mill Organic Brown Rice Flour
• Made from pure organic brown rice
• An excellent source of protein, fiber, and minerals such as magnesium and selenium
• A mild, nutty flour ideal for gluten-free baking
• California-grown and packaged in Milwaukie, Oregon
Coconut Oil: Ideal for baking, sauteing, and stir-frying, due to its excellent flavor and aroma. Coconut oil contains no trans fat and no cholesterol.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Are you FAT because you're TOXIC?
One of the first signs of toxic fat is the accumulation of excess body fat. So, ask yourself are you FAT because you're TOXIC? Everybody has unique and different challenges with weight loss. You need to find out why you haven't been able to... lose weight and keep it off. There are answers, we can help! Call Inner Bliss Health & Wellness today at (337)475-2547. Why wait until the new year with your promise that this will be the year you loose those extra pounds you've put on.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Foods That Burn Fat
To burn fat quicker you must try eating more foods that burn fat which are usually found on your fridge. By eating these foods that burn fat you maintain a healthy diet as they have low fat and calorie content and are a good energy source Because you consume less calories your body is forced to use up its fat reserves for energy to uphold its basic physiological functions. A healthy weight loss diet would include eating 4-6 small meals daily containing fat burning foods.
Here are several examples of foods that burn fat:
Vegetables: Most vegetables consist of a lot of bulk and very little calories. Vegetables such as celery, lettuce, broccoli are high in fiber and low in calories and thus fall into the foods that burn fat class. Due to the benefits of low calories and fat, in order to lose fat you should eat vegetables as much as you can.
Chicken Breasts: Another effective fat burning food is chicken breasts (when served skinless). Relative to the rest of the chicken , chicken breasts are the lowest in fat and calories. It is important to cook chicken breasts with healthy cooking methods such as boiling, broiling, or baking and remove all the skin.
Egg Whites: Another wonderful food that burns fat is egg whites which contain 0% fat and are the purest source of protein. Egg whites are a great no fat food as the egg’s yolk holds 100% of the fat. To separate the egg white from the yolk is rather easy . Break the egg shell into two halves, pour the contents back and forth from one half to the other leaking the egg white into a bowl beneath until only the yolk remains in the shells. You could also visit your local grocery store and purchase ready-made egg whites. They normally come in carton containers like milk and cream.
Fish: Fish is an amazing source of Omega 3 and other healthy fats, and by cooking it correctly you can decrease its calories. Never fry fish if you are attempting to lose weight, instead boil, bake, broil, or steam it. By avoiding oil you consume less calories. Adding sauces to the fish will also skyrocket the calories you consume, so avoid this at all costs .
If you are interested in learning more about other natural weight loss methods, please call Inner Bliss Health & Wellness (337)475-2547.
Here are several examples of foods that burn fat:
Vegetables: Most vegetables consist of a lot of bulk and very little calories. Vegetables such as celery, lettuce, broccoli are high in fiber and low in calories and thus fall into the foods that burn fat class. Due to the benefits of low calories and fat, in order to lose fat you should eat vegetables as much as you can.
Chicken Breasts: Another effective fat burning food is chicken breasts (when served skinless). Relative to the rest of the chicken , chicken breasts are the lowest in fat and calories. It is important to cook chicken breasts with healthy cooking methods such as boiling, broiling, or baking and remove all the skin.
Egg Whites: Another wonderful food that burns fat is egg whites which contain 0% fat and are the purest source of protein. Egg whites are a great no fat food as the egg’s yolk holds 100% of the fat. To separate the egg white from the yolk is rather easy . Break the egg shell into two halves, pour the contents back and forth from one half to the other leaking the egg white into a bowl beneath until only the yolk remains in the shells. You could also visit your local grocery store and purchase ready-made egg whites. They normally come in carton containers like milk and cream.
Fish: Fish is an amazing source of Omega 3 and other healthy fats, and by cooking it correctly you can decrease its calories. Never fry fish if you are attempting to lose weight, instead boil, bake, broil, or steam it. By avoiding oil you consume less calories. Adding sauces to the fish will also skyrocket the calories you consume, so avoid this at all costs .
If you are interested in learning more about other natural weight loss methods, please call Inner Bliss Health & Wellness (337)475-2547.
Why We Get Fat
Our ancestors were the equivalent to olympic athletes in their health.They lived in a world of survival of the fittest. If they did not fight to survive, they would be somebody else’s food.Genetically, our bodies have not changed much since those times. We’ve had to evolve mechanisms that would keep us alive during times of famine.
Hunter/gatherers during this time endured long periods of starvation.It was rare that they had enough food.To combat this, our bodies have more systems that allow us to gain weight than they do for us tolos e weight.
Through hormonal changes in our body,our ancestors survived by gaining and storing weight to survive periodic famines.In society today, this just sounds ridiculous because we have plenty of food.
On the contrary, our food supply is completely devoid of nutrients.
Nowadays, our food is calorie rich and nutrient poor. We are literally in a famine amidst plenty.
We are literally poisoning our bodies by not exercising, poor food choices and mental stress. Foods such as high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, table salt, boxed and canned goods all contribute to destroying your health and your bikini body.
Our ancestors were literally built like Olympic athletes. Not because they wanted to be, but because they had to survive and in the wild, survival of the fittest prevails.
As we have adapted, our bodies created systems to get us through hard times such as droughts and even bad eye sight!This is why it is important to have a holistic weight loss program. This type of program is designed to give you nutrient dense foods that have a very low calorie value.
During our hunter/gatherer times, our sweets were fruits and honey. They were all natural and not in a concentrated form like the sugar and “fake” honey that we have now.
Nowadays, our stress comes from money problems, relationship problems, and work stress. It isn’t for our survival. The problem lies in the fact that our bodies don’t differentiate between mental and physical stress.
All forms of stress overcome our innate drive to shed fat. Mentally, we get discouraged and this causes us to give into temptation. When you add these events together, many of our dietary choices are shifted from biological necessities to psychological reactions.
Hunter/gatherers during this time endured long periods of starvation.It was rare that they had enough food.To combat this, our bodies have more systems that allow us to gain weight than they do for us tolos e weight.
Through hormonal changes in our body,our ancestors survived by gaining and storing weight to survive periodic famines.In society today, this just sounds ridiculous because we have plenty of food.
On the contrary, our food supply is completely devoid of nutrients.
Nowadays, our food is calorie rich and nutrient poor. We are literally in a famine amidst plenty.
We are literally poisoning our bodies by not exercising, poor food choices and mental stress. Foods such as high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, table salt, boxed and canned goods all contribute to destroying your health and your bikini body.
Our ancestors were literally built like Olympic athletes. Not because they wanted to be, but because they had to survive and in the wild, survival of the fittest prevails.
As we have adapted, our bodies created systems to get us through hard times such as droughts and even bad eye sight!This is why it is important to have a holistic weight loss program. This type of program is designed to give you nutrient dense foods that have a very low calorie value.
During our hunter/gatherer times, our sweets were fruits and honey. They were all natural and not in a concentrated form like the sugar and “fake” honey that we have now.
Nowadays, our stress comes from money problems, relationship problems, and work stress. It isn’t for our survival. The problem lies in the fact that our bodies don’t differentiate between mental and physical stress.
All forms of stress overcome our innate drive to shed fat. Mentally, we get discouraged and this causes us to give into temptation. When you add these events together, many of our dietary choices are shifted from biological necessities to psychological reactions.
Understanding How Someone Becomes Overweight
Weight gain typically occurs from a combination of interacting physical, emotional / psychological, and sometimes "energetic" factors. The vast majority of these factors exert their effects on weight gain or loss through their stimulation or inhibition of certain hormones.
First, what is a hormone? A hormone is often described as a "chemical messenger". A hormone is a chemical released by a gland that is typically released into the bloodstream to tell certain cells and tissues to take some action that the body needs to have performed. The release of hormones is controlled by the central nervous system (specifically the brain), as well as by feedback systems that are triggered by certain sensors in the body that monitor the hormone levels in the blood, or monitor the effects of the hormones.
Under normal circumstances, diet, exercise, sleep, stress levels, and exposure to certain chemicals will determine hormone levels and function and the function of certain hormones in turn determines whether the body burns sugar, burns fat, breaks down muscle, or stores sugar, stores fat, or builds muscle. There are three primary hormones that promote fat storage: insulin, cortisol, and estrogen. There are six hormones that promote fat burning: thyroid hormone, growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor, glucagon, testosterone, and adrenaline. Even though there are more fat-burning hormones, the fat storing hormones are stronger in their effects. First let's look at the fat storing hormones and what stimulates them.
Insulin is the strongest of the fat storing hormones. Insulin is released by the pancreas for the purpose of regulating blood sugar levels. When you eat a meal that is high in carbohydrates, the carbohydrates are digested and absorbed into the blood as glucose (blood sugar). When there is a large amount of blood sugar present, large amounts of insulin are released. So, here's the first clue on how to lose weight: if insulin is the strongest of the fat storing hormones and carbohydrates cause the release of insulin, what type of food should you limit your intake of if you want to get rid of fat? (Hint: It's carbs!) Insulin will first store excess sugar (more than what is necessary for immediate use by the brain and other tissues) as a compound called glycogen. Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles and can be quickly converted to blood sugar for fuel when needed, such as during brief periods of heavy exertion. There is pretty limited space for glycogen storage, so if there's more blood sugar that needs to be stored, the remaining amount will be converted and stored as fat.
There are many fat cells in the body and each fat cell can enlarge over 100 times its original size to accommodate more fat (which is why it is quite possible to get fat again after liposuction), so there is a large potential for fat storage. Again, the primary factor that stimulates insulin release is consuming carbohydrates, particularly refined sugars and grains. Vegetables (here we are talking about fresh or frozen whole, raw vegetables without any added ingredients such as sugar) also contain a high percentage of carbohydrates, but they do not stimulate insulin release as strongly as refined sugars and grains. Fruits (fresh, whole fruits) tend to increase blood sugar somewhat more than vegetables, but usually not nearly as much as grains. This is because vegetables and fruits are high in fiber and nutrients like beta-carotene that slow the absorption of their carbohydrates into the bloodstream when you eat them. Whole grains, because of their fiber content, stimulate less insulin response than refined grains. Whole grains are a much more concentrated source of carbohydrates than most vegetables and fruits (fruits and vegetables have a much higher water content than whole grains) and it is easier to consume more grams of carbohydrate from grain sources than from vegetables and fruits, so even whole grains tend to be problematic for causing fat storage. As mentioned earlier, insulin is the strongest of the fat storing hormones. It is such a powerful stimulator of fat storage that it can literally shut off fat burning for 24 to 48 hours when it is released in large quantities. In fact, a single slice of white bread will be enough in most people to dramatically inhibit all fat burning for one to two days, regardless of how a person eats or exercises during that time period. This is why limiting carbohydrate consumption is critical to fat burning. This is not to say that you cannot lose weight if you are eating refined carbs, because you can definitely still lose water weight (which is usually necessary in an overall weight loss program), but it becomes very difficult to lose actual fat. Excess refined carbohydrate consumption with its accompanying insulin release is a key problem in the failure of many people's weight loss attempts. In fact, some diet plans actually recommend that people "cheat" or "reward" themselves with carbohydrates periodically in order to keep them motivated. That "reward" may seem like a good idea at the time, but it sabotages your progress and may contribute to frustration and eventual failure of the diet in the long run. Refined carbs need to be kept out of your diet if you are going to have sustainable weight loss. This point will be emphasized repeatedly as we go along.
Cortisol is another hormone that stimulates fat storage, primarily around the lower abdomen. Cortisol is released by the adrenal glands and its release is associated with stress. It is speculated that the storage of fat around the abdomen during times of stress served a survival purpose for our ancestors who had to live under harsh conditions, basically storing fat to be used for energy when physical demands were high and/or food supplies were low. Stress can take more than one form though, and these days emotional stress has largely replaced physical stress. This means we store fat in response to cortisol but we do not have the events present that would allow us to burn off the fat as were present in earlier periods of human existence. As just stated, stress can take more than one form, all of which can stimulate cortisol release and cause fat storage. Emotional stress, illness or injury, heavy physical exertion, relationship problems, major life changes, etc. can all cause excess cortisol release and its resulting weight gain.
It is interesting to note that excessive or excessively intense exercise can stimulate cortisol release, which means for people who are already overstressed and their adrenal glands have been overworked, too much or the wrong kind of exercise can actually promote weight gain! And if you think you can overcome that effect by going on a starvation diet along with the heavy exercise, think again! Not only does inadequate food intake stimulate even more cortisol release, your body will still not burn fat in the presence of high cortisol even though you're hardly eating anything. Instead, the high cortisol will cause your body will burn muscle tissue to convert to blood sugar. Although burning muscle will cause you to lose weight, you will actually be increasing your percentage of body fat, which again typically is deposited around the midsection. Furthermore, since muscle tissue has a high metabolic rate, the more of it you burn up, the slower your metabolism will get. If you've starved yourself and exercised like a maniac but still couldn't lose that roll of belly fat, now you know why. Later in the book, we'll discuss how to get off the cortisol "merry-go-round".
Estrogen is another fat-storing hormone. You might think this only applies to women, but men produce estrogen in small quantities and can be exposed to chemicals in food, water, and the environment that act like estrogen in the body. Estrogen is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are the source of natural estrogen in men and in post-menopausal women. As we mentioned a moment ago, there are outside sources of estrogen. One of the most common sources of what are called "exogenous" (not to be confused with "erogenous") estrogens is meats, particularly beef and pork, and dairy products. This is because commercially-raised cattle and hogs are often given extra estrogen to cause them to grow and fatten faster, and residuals of these hormones are in the meat and dairy products we consume. But meat is not the only source of estrogens in the diet. Various pesticides and chemical fertilizers used on produce can act as estrogens in the body. Because of the presence of these exogenous estrogens, it is recommended that you stick to naturally raised beef and pork, hormone-free dairy, and organically grown produce as much as possible. Estrogen tends to cause fat accumulation around the hips and buttocks and sometimes in and around the breasts (this is most noticeable when it occurs in men as a condition called gynecomastia - often referred to as "man-boobs"), presumably to provide close-by stores of energy for a developing fetus, and for breast milk production. But if you don't happen to be pregnant, this fat deposition is not normal and is due to an imbalance in hormones. Later, we'll discuss ways to balance estrogen levels through diet, exercise, and supplementation.
Before we discuss the fat burning hormones, there's something very important to know. ALL of the fat burning hormones are activated / produced by the liver. Under normal circumstances, the liver is quite good at handling all of the chemical reactions it must process, including the processing of fat burning hormones. Unfortunately, the usual American lifestyle can get pretty overwhelming for the liver. We tend to eat too much fat and protein and drink too much alcohol and take too many medications, and sometimes the liver just can't keep up. Since keeping levels of certain chemicals from reaching toxic levels in the blood is the liver's first priority, if you overload the liver, it's not going to be able to process the fat burning hormones as it should. This means that you will not produce adequate amounts of the activated forms of the fat burning hormones, and you will deposit fat. In addition, when the liver is overworked, fluid tends to accumulate in the upper abdominal area. The classic description of this is the "beer gut".
For people with overworked livers, a large amount of their excess weight is actually water. Some people try to exercise away the protruding gut through sit-ups or crunches in an effort to "spot reduce", but usually to no avail. Liver overload is also the primary reason many people don't get good long-term results with the Atkin's diet even though it often works great at first. The weight gain associated with an overworked liver must be addressed through changes in diet and by reducing the intake of alcohol and limiting the use of drugs and medications of all kinds as much as possible. As the liver recovers, the water weight will usually begin to recede pretty quickly (and you'll be spending quite a bit of time in the bathroom as it does!). The specifics for helping the liver recover will be covered later in this book.
Now we come to the fat burning hormones. Thyroid hormone is probably the most powerful of these - under normal circumstances of course. The thyroid gland produces an inactive hormone, called T4 which is converted to the active form T3 by the liver. The active T3 hormone stimulates cells to produce structures within them called mitochondria, which are kind of like energy factories that burn fat to convert to usable energy for a variety of functions. When thyroid hormone is either not produced adequately, not converted to the active form by the liver, or is blocked from its receptor sites on the cells (most commonly by excess estrogen or estrogen-like compounds), not only do the cells not burn fat, they also fail to produce sufficient energy for normal functioning. This obviously leads to weight gain, but also can cause fatigue, hair loss, and brittle nails. The weight gain related to thyroid issues is all over the body - trunk, arms, and legs, as the failure of fat burning is wide-spread. As just mentioned, some thyroid problems are due to blockage of the receptor sites for thyroid hormone, rather than due to insufficient hormone levels. This is why it is possible for someone to have classic low-thyroid symptoms even with perfectly normal blood tests for thyroid hormone levels. Thyroid hormone production is stimulated by exercise - primarily anaerobic exercise - and specific recommendations for exercise will be presented later. As we mentioned a short time ago, thyroid hormone is converted to the active form by the liver, so it is important that the liver be kept healthy - which basically comes down to not overloading it with excessive intake of fat, protein, alcohol, and/or drugs and medications. Finally, to keep the cellular receptor sites working normally, it is necessary to keep natural estrogen levels normal and to limit as much as possible one's exposure to exogenous estrogens by consuming natural meats and organic produce. Synthetic estrogens used in birth control and estrogen replacement therapy can also dramatically interfere with thyroid receptor sites and inhibit thyroid function, so you may wish to consider other options if you are using these medications and are having a lot of trouble losing weight.
Adrenaline (also called epinephrine) is a fat burning hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands. It accelerates the body's breathing and heart rate to provide more blood flow and oxygenation to the tissues in times of stress, or during heavy exercise. When you accelerate in a car, you burn more fuel, and the same is true when you accelerate the body - but in this case the fuel is fat and sugar. Many diet drugs either stimulate or simulate the action of adrenaline. The problem is that stress and diet drugs stimulate the adrenals generally, and also wind up stimulating the production of cortisol - the fat storing hormone we discussed earlier. Adrenaline is fast-acting, and produced in limited amounts, whereas cortisol is long-acting and can be produced over a longer period of time. So, while doing short bursts of intense exercise will give you the fat-burning effects of adrenaline, excessive exercise or excessive stress will stimulate cortisol release and hinder fat burning. Likewise, diet drugs will stimulate adrenaline production for a limited time, but the cortisol production they stimulate will last much longer - this is why many diet drug users wind up gaining weight in the long-run.
Growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. It stimulates the growth of muscle and lean body tissue. Muscle cells have a proportionately high number of mitochondria, the "energy factories" we discussed in relation to thyroid hormone. Because of this, more muscle tissue means more fat burning, so growth hormone indirectly stimulates fat burning. In addition, growth hormone stimulates the liver to produce a hormone called insulin-like growth factor (IGF). IGF controls blood sugar levels during long periods between eating - primarily at night when you are asleep. Without adequate sleep (at least 7 hours of RESTFUL) sleep per night, IGF does not function properly. A few hours after eating, your blood sugar begins to fall, and IGF stimulates the burning of stored sugar and fat to keep normal energy supply to the brain. So growth hormone has a second indirect effect on fat burning. Growth hormone (and consequently IGF) is stimulated by anaerobic exercise - which is of relatively short duration but high intensity. I'll discuss this in more detail when we get to exercise recommendations. I feel it bears mentioning that growth hormone injections are sometimes used to enhance muscle growth and reduce fat. This may be done illegally by athletes trying to artificially enhance muscle growth, or it may be prescribed by some doctors as an "anti-aging" measure for their patients. While growth hormone definitely has its good points, I urge anyone who is considering growth hormone injections to be very careful. Excess amounts of any hormone can be extremely dangerous, and injecting large amounts of growth hormone could potentially have serious adverse health effects.
Glucagon is a hormone that can be thought of as the anti-insulin. Like IGF, glucagon stimulates the burning of stored sugar and fat when blood sugar drops too low, but it operates much closer to the time when you eat. It is a counter-balance for insulin. Basically, when you eat and your blood sugar rises, insulin is produced to store the excess, but if insulin takes too much sugar out of the bloodstream, glucagon is released to bring the blood sugar back up again by burning the stored sugar and fat. Glucagon production tends to be stimulated by meals that are relatively low in carbohydrate.
The last major fat-burning hormone is testosterone. Just as men produce some of the "female" hormone, estrogen, women produce some of the "male" hormone, testosterone. Testosterone is produced by the testicles (in men) and the adrenal glands (in men and women). Like growth hormone, testosterone stimulates fat burning indirectly by stimulating muscle growth. Also like growth hormone, testosterone production is stimulated by anaerobic exercise - short duration, high intensity. And again, like growth hormone, injecting testosterone is potentially dangerous, so think carefully about artificially raising your testosterone levels.
So, now that we've reviewed the action of the various fat storing and fat burning hormones, let's summarize what causes fat storage and fat burning.
Fat storing is largely stimulated by:
1) Excess carbohydrate consumption
2) Excess stress (physical and/or emotional)
3) Excess estrogen and estrogen-like chemicals (such as chemical pesticides, fertilizers, etc.)
Fat burning is stimulated by:
1) Good liver function (avoiding the overconsumption of fat, protein, alcohol, and drugs/medications
2) Low carbohydrate consumption
3) Anaerobic exercise (relatively short duration, high intensity activity)
4) Adequate sleep (at least 7 hours of restful sleep per night)
First, what is a hormone? A hormone is often described as a "chemical messenger". A hormone is a chemical released by a gland that is typically released into the bloodstream to tell certain cells and tissues to take some action that the body needs to have performed. The release of hormones is controlled by the central nervous system (specifically the brain), as well as by feedback systems that are triggered by certain sensors in the body that monitor the hormone levels in the blood, or monitor the effects of the hormones.
Under normal circumstances, diet, exercise, sleep, stress levels, and exposure to certain chemicals will determine hormone levels and function and the function of certain hormones in turn determines whether the body burns sugar, burns fat, breaks down muscle, or stores sugar, stores fat, or builds muscle. There are three primary hormones that promote fat storage: insulin, cortisol, and estrogen. There are six hormones that promote fat burning: thyroid hormone, growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor, glucagon, testosterone, and adrenaline. Even though there are more fat-burning hormones, the fat storing hormones are stronger in their effects. First let's look at the fat storing hormones and what stimulates them.
Insulin is the strongest of the fat storing hormones. Insulin is released by the pancreas for the purpose of regulating blood sugar levels. When you eat a meal that is high in carbohydrates, the carbohydrates are digested and absorbed into the blood as glucose (blood sugar). When there is a large amount of blood sugar present, large amounts of insulin are released. So, here's the first clue on how to lose weight: if insulin is the strongest of the fat storing hormones and carbohydrates cause the release of insulin, what type of food should you limit your intake of if you want to get rid of fat? (Hint: It's carbs!) Insulin will first store excess sugar (more than what is necessary for immediate use by the brain and other tissues) as a compound called glycogen. Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles and can be quickly converted to blood sugar for fuel when needed, such as during brief periods of heavy exertion. There is pretty limited space for glycogen storage, so if there's more blood sugar that needs to be stored, the remaining amount will be converted and stored as fat.
There are many fat cells in the body and each fat cell can enlarge over 100 times its original size to accommodate more fat (which is why it is quite possible to get fat again after liposuction), so there is a large potential for fat storage. Again, the primary factor that stimulates insulin release is consuming carbohydrates, particularly refined sugars and grains. Vegetables (here we are talking about fresh or frozen whole, raw vegetables without any added ingredients such as sugar) also contain a high percentage of carbohydrates, but they do not stimulate insulin release as strongly as refined sugars and grains. Fruits (fresh, whole fruits) tend to increase blood sugar somewhat more than vegetables, but usually not nearly as much as grains. This is because vegetables and fruits are high in fiber and nutrients like beta-carotene that slow the absorption of their carbohydrates into the bloodstream when you eat them. Whole grains, because of their fiber content, stimulate less insulin response than refined grains. Whole grains are a much more concentrated source of carbohydrates than most vegetables and fruits (fruits and vegetables have a much higher water content than whole grains) and it is easier to consume more grams of carbohydrate from grain sources than from vegetables and fruits, so even whole grains tend to be problematic for causing fat storage. As mentioned earlier, insulin is the strongest of the fat storing hormones. It is such a powerful stimulator of fat storage that it can literally shut off fat burning for 24 to 48 hours when it is released in large quantities. In fact, a single slice of white bread will be enough in most people to dramatically inhibit all fat burning for one to two days, regardless of how a person eats or exercises during that time period. This is why limiting carbohydrate consumption is critical to fat burning. This is not to say that you cannot lose weight if you are eating refined carbs, because you can definitely still lose water weight (which is usually necessary in an overall weight loss program), but it becomes very difficult to lose actual fat. Excess refined carbohydrate consumption with its accompanying insulin release is a key problem in the failure of many people's weight loss attempts. In fact, some diet plans actually recommend that people "cheat" or "reward" themselves with carbohydrates periodically in order to keep them motivated. That "reward" may seem like a good idea at the time, but it sabotages your progress and may contribute to frustration and eventual failure of the diet in the long run. Refined carbs need to be kept out of your diet if you are going to have sustainable weight loss. This point will be emphasized repeatedly as we go along.
Cortisol is another hormone that stimulates fat storage, primarily around the lower abdomen. Cortisol is released by the adrenal glands and its release is associated with stress. It is speculated that the storage of fat around the abdomen during times of stress served a survival purpose for our ancestors who had to live under harsh conditions, basically storing fat to be used for energy when physical demands were high and/or food supplies were low. Stress can take more than one form though, and these days emotional stress has largely replaced physical stress. This means we store fat in response to cortisol but we do not have the events present that would allow us to burn off the fat as were present in earlier periods of human existence. As just stated, stress can take more than one form, all of which can stimulate cortisol release and cause fat storage. Emotional stress, illness or injury, heavy physical exertion, relationship problems, major life changes, etc. can all cause excess cortisol release and its resulting weight gain.
It is interesting to note that excessive or excessively intense exercise can stimulate cortisol release, which means for people who are already overstressed and their adrenal glands have been overworked, too much or the wrong kind of exercise can actually promote weight gain! And if you think you can overcome that effect by going on a starvation diet along with the heavy exercise, think again! Not only does inadequate food intake stimulate even more cortisol release, your body will still not burn fat in the presence of high cortisol even though you're hardly eating anything. Instead, the high cortisol will cause your body will burn muscle tissue to convert to blood sugar. Although burning muscle will cause you to lose weight, you will actually be increasing your percentage of body fat, which again typically is deposited around the midsection. Furthermore, since muscle tissue has a high metabolic rate, the more of it you burn up, the slower your metabolism will get. If you've starved yourself and exercised like a maniac but still couldn't lose that roll of belly fat, now you know why. Later in the book, we'll discuss how to get off the cortisol "merry-go-round".
Estrogen is another fat-storing hormone. You might think this only applies to women, but men produce estrogen in small quantities and can be exposed to chemicals in food, water, and the environment that act like estrogen in the body. Estrogen is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are the source of natural estrogen in men and in post-menopausal women. As we mentioned a moment ago, there are outside sources of estrogen. One of the most common sources of what are called "exogenous" (not to be confused with "erogenous") estrogens is meats, particularly beef and pork, and dairy products. This is because commercially-raised cattle and hogs are often given extra estrogen to cause them to grow and fatten faster, and residuals of these hormones are in the meat and dairy products we consume. But meat is not the only source of estrogens in the diet. Various pesticides and chemical fertilizers used on produce can act as estrogens in the body. Because of the presence of these exogenous estrogens, it is recommended that you stick to naturally raised beef and pork, hormone-free dairy, and organically grown produce as much as possible. Estrogen tends to cause fat accumulation around the hips and buttocks and sometimes in and around the breasts (this is most noticeable when it occurs in men as a condition called gynecomastia - often referred to as "man-boobs"), presumably to provide close-by stores of energy for a developing fetus, and for breast milk production. But if you don't happen to be pregnant, this fat deposition is not normal and is due to an imbalance in hormones. Later, we'll discuss ways to balance estrogen levels through diet, exercise, and supplementation.
Before we discuss the fat burning hormones, there's something very important to know. ALL of the fat burning hormones are activated / produced by the liver. Under normal circumstances, the liver is quite good at handling all of the chemical reactions it must process, including the processing of fat burning hormones. Unfortunately, the usual American lifestyle can get pretty overwhelming for the liver. We tend to eat too much fat and protein and drink too much alcohol and take too many medications, and sometimes the liver just can't keep up. Since keeping levels of certain chemicals from reaching toxic levels in the blood is the liver's first priority, if you overload the liver, it's not going to be able to process the fat burning hormones as it should. This means that you will not produce adequate amounts of the activated forms of the fat burning hormones, and you will deposit fat. In addition, when the liver is overworked, fluid tends to accumulate in the upper abdominal area. The classic description of this is the "beer gut".
For people with overworked livers, a large amount of their excess weight is actually water. Some people try to exercise away the protruding gut through sit-ups or crunches in an effort to "spot reduce", but usually to no avail. Liver overload is also the primary reason many people don't get good long-term results with the Atkin's diet even though it often works great at first. The weight gain associated with an overworked liver must be addressed through changes in diet and by reducing the intake of alcohol and limiting the use of drugs and medications of all kinds as much as possible. As the liver recovers, the water weight will usually begin to recede pretty quickly (and you'll be spending quite a bit of time in the bathroom as it does!). The specifics for helping the liver recover will be covered later in this book.
Now we come to the fat burning hormones. Thyroid hormone is probably the most powerful of these - under normal circumstances of course. The thyroid gland produces an inactive hormone, called T4 which is converted to the active form T3 by the liver. The active T3 hormone stimulates cells to produce structures within them called mitochondria, which are kind of like energy factories that burn fat to convert to usable energy for a variety of functions. When thyroid hormone is either not produced adequately, not converted to the active form by the liver, or is blocked from its receptor sites on the cells (most commonly by excess estrogen or estrogen-like compounds), not only do the cells not burn fat, they also fail to produce sufficient energy for normal functioning. This obviously leads to weight gain, but also can cause fatigue, hair loss, and brittle nails. The weight gain related to thyroid issues is all over the body - trunk, arms, and legs, as the failure of fat burning is wide-spread. As just mentioned, some thyroid problems are due to blockage of the receptor sites for thyroid hormone, rather than due to insufficient hormone levels. This is why it is possible for someone to have classic low-thyroid symptoms even with perfectly normal blood tests for thyroid hormone levels. Thyroid hormone production is stimulated by exercise - primarily anaerobic exercise - and specific recommendations for exercise will be presented later. As we mentioned a short time ago, thyroid hormone is converted to the active form by the liver, so it is important that the liver be kept healthy - which basically comes down to not overloading it with excessive intake of fat, protein, alcohol, and/or drugs and medications. Finally, to keep the cellular receptor sites working normally, it is necessary to keep natural estrogen levels normal and to limit as much as possible one's exposure to exogenous estrogens by consuming natural meats and organic produce. Synthetic estrogens used in birth control and estrogen replacement therapy can also dramatically interfere with thyroid receptor sites and inhibit thyroid function, so you may wish to consider other options if you are using these medications and are having a lot of trouble losing weight.
Adrenaline (also called epinephrine) is a fat burning hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands. It accelerates the body's breathing and heart rate to provide more blood flow and oxygenation to the tissues in times of stress, or during heavy exercise. When you accelerate in a car, you burn more fuel, and the same is true when you accelerate the body - but in this case the fuel is fat and sugar. Many diet drugs either stimulate or simulate the action of adrenaline. The problem is that stress and diet drugs stimulate the adrenals generally, and also wind up stimulating the production of cortisol - the fat storing hormone we discussed earlier. Adrenaline is fast-acting, and produced in limited amounts, whereas cortisol is long-acting and can be produced over a longer period of time. So, while doing short bursts of intense exercise will give you the fat-burning effects of adrenaline, excessive exercise or excessive stress will stimulate cortisol release and hinder fat burning. Likewise, diet drugs will stimulate adrenaline production for a limited time, but the cortisol production they stimulate will last much longer - this is why many diet drug users wind up gaining weight in the long-run.
Growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. It stimulates the growth of muscle and lean body tissue. Muscle cells have a proportionately high number of mitochondria, the "energy factories" we discussed in relation to thyroid hormone. Because of this, more muscle tissue means more fat burning, so growth hormone indirectly stimulates fat burning. In addition, growth hormone stimulates the liver to produce a hormone called insulin-like growth factor (IGF). IGF controls blood sugar levels during long periods between eating - primarily at night when you are asleep. Without adequate sleep (at least 7 hours of RESTFUL) sleep per night, IGF does not function properly. A few hours after eating, your blood sugar begins to fall, and IGF stimulates the burning of stored sugar and fat to keep normal energy supply to the brain. So growth hormone has a second indirect effect on fat burning. Growth hormone (and consequently IGF) is stimulated by anaerobic exercise - which is of relatively short duration but high intensity. I'll discuss this in more detail when we get to exercise recommendations. I feel it bears mentioning that growth hormone injections are sometimes used to enhance muscle growth and reduce fat. This may be done illegally by athletes trying to artificially enhance muscle growth, or it may be prescribed by some doctors as an "anti-aging" measure for their patients. While growth hormone definitely has its good points, I urge anyone who is considering growth hormone injections to be very careful. Excess amounts of any hormone can be extremely dangerous, and injecting large amounts of growth hormone could potentially have serious adverse health effects.
Glucagon is a hormone that can be thought of as the anti-insulin. Like IGF, glucagon stimulates the burning of stored sugar and fat when blood sugar drops too low, but it operates much closer to the time when you eat. It is a counter-balance for insulin. Basically, when you eat and your blood sugar rises, insulin is produced to store the excess, but if insulin takes too much sugar out of the bloodstream, glucagon is released to bring the blood sugar back up again by burning the stored sugar and fat. Glucagon production tends to be stimulated by meals that are relatively low in carbohydrate.
The last major fat-burning hormone is testosterone. Just as men produce some of the "female" hormone, estrogen, women produce some of the "male" hormone, testosterone. Testosterone is produced by the testicles (in men) and the adrenal glands (in men and women). Like growth hormone, testosterone stimulates fat burning indirectly by stimulating muscle growth. Also like growth hormone, testosterone production is stimulated by anaerobic exercise - short duration, high intensity. And again, like growth hormone, injecting testosterone is potentially dangerous, so think carefully about artificially raising your testosterone levels.
So, now that we've reviewed the action of the various fat storing and fat burning hormones, let's summarize what causes fat storage and fat burning.
Fat storing is largely stimulated by:
1) Excess carbohydrate consumption
2) Excess stress (physical and/or emotional)
3) Excess estrogen and estrogen-like chemicals (such as chemical pesticides, fertilizers, etc.)
Fat burning is stimulated by:
1) Good liver function (avoiding the overconsumption of fat, protein, alcohol, and drugs/medications
2) Low carbohydrate consumption
3) Anaerobic exercise (relatively short duration, high intensity activity)
4) Adequate sleep (at least 7 hours of restful sleep per night)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Detoxifying Foot Bath
How it Works
The Ion Cleansing Spa uses Ionization technology to detoxify your body. The array (the black unit in the water) uses bio-electrical energy to attract and pull toxins from the body through the feet. The feet are ideal for this process because they have thousands of large pores.
What to Expect After a Cleanse
Immediately after a detoxification session, some people feel more energetic, others may feel slightely tired. The cells in the body have been cleansed and recharged; because of the energy the body uses in this process, it takes time to rebalance itself. Drink plenty of water to continue cleansing and replenishing the body for 24 hours after your session.
To schedule a Detoxifying Foot Treatment or package, please contact us (337)475-2547
How it Works
The Ion Cleansing Spa uses Ionization technology to detoxify your body. The array (the black unit in the water) uses bio-electrical energy to attract and pull toxins from the body through the feet. The feet are ideal for this process because they have thousands of large pores.
What to Expect After a Cleanse
Immediately after a detoxification session, some people feel more energetic, others may feel slightely tired. The cells in the body have been cleansed and recharged; because of the energy the body uses in this process, it takes time to rebalance itself. Drink plenty of water to continue cleansing and replenishing the body for 24 hours after your session.
To schedule a Detoxifying Foot Treatment or package, please contact us (337)475-2547
Body Contour Wrap
Body Contour Wrap
Developed by a bio-chemist from the UCLA medical center, this wrap process was originally formulated to encourage circulatory and lymphatic flow in patients. It was meant for those suffering from Diabetes or any disease that inhibited circulation, especially in the lower extremities. Research showed that because of this increased flow of both the lymphatic and the circulatory systems, the patient was also experiencing cleansing of the tissues. This, in turn, caused healthy inch loss through internal cleansing.
Not only did the body benefit internally, but the external benefits of contouring and inch loss made this wrap ideal for the spa industry as well as the medical profession. Inch loss, diminishing of cellulite, and body contouring can be permanent and completely safe. Many body wraps have come and gone, but the M'LIS Body Contour Wrap has been in our Holistic spa line, helping people lose inches for over 25 years.
Body Contour Benefits
•Lose up to 1/2 dress or pant size with each wrap
•Provides cellulite reduction through detoxifying body cleansing
•Benefits are immediate and inch loss is real
•Addresses the real causes of cellulite in a holistic way
•Warm, luxurious, pampering and comfortable
•Not a water loss - skin and body stay hydrated
•Inch loss is permanent
Provides results with in-spa treatment as well as home care treatments to maximize benefits.
For Best Results
•A series of 3 to 6 body wraps is recommended
•There should be 4 to 7 days between each wrap. If a client is overweight and on a weight loss program, a wrap is suggested for each 5 to 10 pounds lost.
•Guarantee of 4 to 14 inches in 1 hour. This is not a weight loss, but a permanent inch loss, the inches will only return if the client goes back to old habits. Eating the right types of foods, proper exercise, and drinking 8 glasses of water per day are always recommended.
Program Highlights
•Combines detoxification and an anti-cellulite lifestyle with lymphatic body cleansing wraps for inch loss and the elimination and prevention of cellulite.
•Aids in the removal of cellulite by softening, breaking down and freeing trapped toxins and waste materials in the connective tissues.
•Wraps use circulation and gentle pressure to achieve inch loss and cleanse the lymphatic waste system through natural ingredients rather than chemicals, poultice-effects or a loss of water.
•Take home products have the ability to maximize results with wraps done in a series, and prevent future cellulite accumulation.
•Products and services use holistic methods of body cleansing for cellulite removal.
If you would like to schedule a Health History Consultation or book a Detoxifying Body Wrap or package, please contact us.
Other Wrap Comparisons
Salt Solutions, Mineral Salt Wraps, Seaweed Wraps and Liquid Herbal Wraps
All promote toxins and water to come out through the pores internally to externally. Though there is a detoxification benefit, these processes dehydrate and age the skin by water loss. If there is an immediate weight loss after a wrap, this indicates that it is a water loss wrap. With an internal cleanse wrap there is no weight loss for at least 72 hours. With a water loss wrap, you may be required to wear a rubber suit or booties to promote sweat and catch the body hydration. These wraps are generally messy, uncomfortable and the inches come back as you ingest liquids again to replace hydration.
Clay Wraps
Act as a poultice to draw impurities from the skin. A dehydrating wrap that tends to age the skin due to dehydration. This is also an internal to external detoxification
Thigh Creams
The main ingredient is aminophyllin. This chemical is an asthma medication, which was formulated to shrink the mucous membranes so the patient could breathe. It does exactly the same externally, shrinking the cells of any moisture. This treatment is a water loss, dehydration, and the most damaging of all cellulite treatments, as it is putting a chemical into the body's blood stream.
Internal Cleansing Wraps
M'LIS wraps use herbal formulations which work externally to internally. This type of program aids in the removal of wastes that have become trapped in the vulnerable parts of our bodies. It is basically a cleansing process of the tissue underneath the skin, and helps restore elasticity to loose, flabby skin. It does not dehydrate and age the skin. The healthiest type of wrap.
Developed by a bio-chemist from the UCLA medical center, this wrap process was originally formulated to encourage circulatory and lymphatic flow in patients. It was meant for those suffering from Diabetes or any disease that inhibited circulation, especially in the lower extremities. Research showed that because of this increased flow of both the lymphatic and the circulatory systems, the patient was also experiencing cleansing of the tissues. This, in turn, caused healthy inch loss through internal cleansing.
Not only did the body benefit internally, but the external benefits of contouring and inch loss made this wrap ideal for the spa industry as well as the medical profession. Inch loss, diminishing of cellulite, and body contouring can be permanent and completely safe. Many body wraps have come and gone, but the M'LIS Body Contour Wrap has been in our Holistic spa line, helping people lose inches for over 25 years.
Body Contour Benefits
•Lose up to 1/2 dress or pant size with each wrap
•Provides cellulite reduction through detoxifying body cleansing
•Benefits are immediate and inch loss is real
•Addresses the real causes of cellulite in a holistic way
•Warm, luxurious, pampering and comfortable
•Not a water loss - skin and body stay hydrated
•Inch loss is permanent
Provides results with in-spa treatment as well as home care treatments to maximize benefits.
For Best Results
•A series of 3 to 6 body wraps is recommended
•There should be 4 to 7 days between each wrap. If a client is overweight and on a weight loss program, a wrap is suggested for each 5 to 10 pounds lost.
•Guarantee of 4 to 14 inches in 1 hour. This is not a weight loss, but a permanent inch loss, the inches will only return if the client goes back to old habits. Eating the right types of foods, proper exercise, and drinking 8 glasses of water per day are always recommended.
Program Highlights
•Combines detoxification and an anti-cellulite lifestyle with lymphatic body cleansing wraps for inch loss and the elimination and prevention of cellulite.
•Aids in the removal of cellulite by softening, breaking down and freeing trapped toxins and waste materials in the connective tissues.
•Wraps use circulation and gentle pressure to achieve inch loss and cleanse the lymphatic waste system through natural ingredients rather than chemicals, poultice-effects or a loss of water.
•Take home products have the ability to maximize results with wraps done in a series, and prevent future cellulite accumulation.
•Products and services use holistic methods of body cleansing for cellulite removal.
If you would like to schedule a Health History Consultation or book a Detoxifying Body Wrap or package, please contact us.
Other Wrap Comparisons
Salt Solutions, Mineral Salt Wraps, Seaweed Wraps and Liquid Herbal Wraps
All promote toxins and water to come out through the pores internally to externally. Though there is a detoxification benefit, these processes dehydrate and age the skin by water loss. If there is an immediate weight loss after a wrap, this indicates that it is a water loss wrap. With an internal cleanse wrap there is no weight loss for at least 72 hours. With a water loss wrap, you may be required to wear a rubber suit or booties to promote sweat and catch the body hydration. These wraps are generally messy, uncomfortable and the inches come back as you ingest liquids again to replace hydration.
Clay Wraps
Act as a poultice to draw impurities from the skin. A dehydrating wrap that tends to age the skin due to dehydration. This is also an internal to external detoxification
Thigh Creams
The main ingredient is aminophyllin. This chemical is an asthma medication, which was formulated to shrink the mucous membranes so the patient could breathe. It does exactly the same externally, shrinking the cells of any moisture. This treatment is a water loss, dehydration, and the most damaging of all cellulite treatments, as it is putting a chemical into the body's blood stream.
Internal Cleansing Wraps
M'LIS wraps use herbal formulations which work externally to internally. This type of program aids in the removal of wastes that have become trapped in the vulnerable parts of our bodies. It is basically a cleansing process of the tissue underneath the skin, and helps restore elasticity to loose, flabby skin. It does not dehydrate and age the skin. The healthiest type of wrap.
Lifestyle Program
Our bodies have a natural ability to regulate weight, heal and thrive physically and emotionally.
Over the course of our lifetime, our bodies have stored the preservatives and toxins that we take in through food, water and the environment. Most of us have also taken prescriptions such as antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills, and others. These toxins and prescriptions are actually stored in our cells and tissues and clog our bodies natural ability to function properly. This causes many conditions such as weight gain, Diabetes, Thyroid Issues, Hormonal Imbalance, Depression, Arthritis, Allergies, Digestive Issues including Diverticulitis and IBS, Candida, chronic muscle and joint pain called Fibromyalgia, and Cancer. 95% of all degenerative disease begins within a toxic body. Our bodies desperately need to be cleaned out!
We offer a number of focused cleanses through nutrition and herbal supplements to assist your body in the natural detoxification and cleansing process:
•Wellness – for those that are symptom free but need a fresh start
•Weight loss- which can help you achieve 10-30 pound weight loss
•Candida- helps eliminate the overgrowth of yeast in your body
•Fibromyalgia- which treats the root cause of your muscle and joint problems
•Hormone Balancing Program – brings estrogen and progesterone levels back to normal
•Skin Care Program – comprehensive holistic approach which addresses internal and external causes
•Thyroid Program – works with your body's natural systems to support and balance hormones produced by this specialized gland
•Gluten Intolerance - utilizes a modified diet and holistic health to help sufferers live symptom free from this often debilitating disease
•Pre-Natal Program –when you have either had trouble conceiving or would like to cleanse prior to conceiving
Over the course of our lifetime, our bodies have stored the preservatives and toxins that we take in through food, water and the environment. Most of us have also taken prescriptions such as antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills, and others. These toxins and prescriptions are actually stored in our cells and tissues and clog our bodies natural ability to function properly. This causes many conditions such as weight gain, Diabetes, Thyroid Issues, Hormonal Imbalance, Depression, Arthritis, Allergies, Digestive Issues including Diverticulitis and IBS, Candida, chronic muscle and joint pain called Fibromyalgia, and Cancer. 95% of all degenerative disease begins within a toxic body. Our bodies desperately need to be cleaned out!
We offer a number of focused cleanses through nutrition and herbal supplements to assist your body in the natural detoxification and cleansing process:
•Wellness – for those that are symptom free but need a fresh start
•Weight loss- which can help you achieve 10-30 pound weight loss
•Candida- helps eliminate the overgrowth of yeast in your body
•Fibromyalgia- which treats the root cause of your muscle and joint problems
•Hormone Balancing Program – brings estrogen and progesterone levels back to normal
•Skin Care Program – comprehensive holistic approach which addresses internal and external causes
•Thyroid Program – works with your body's natural systems to support and balance hormones produced by this specialized gland
•Gluten Intolerance - utilizes a modified diet and holistic health to help sufferers live symptom free from this often debilitating disease
•Pre-Natal Program –when you have either had trouble conceiving or would like to cleanse prior to conceiving
1. Frequent yeast, bladder or skin infections
2. Chronic fungus such as athletes foot or thrush
3. Allergic reaction or increased sensitivities to foods or chemicals
4. Bowel disorders, such as constipation, gas, diarrhea, bloating
5. Muscle pain, weakness, stiffness
6. Fatigue
7. Craving of sugar, breads, vinegar, beer or other alcoholic beverages
8. Feelings of depression
9. A change in weight without a change in diet
10. Irritable, easily angered, anxious or nervous
Candida is an over-infestation of yeast in the body. Though every person has Candida albicans (a form of yeast) in their bodies all the time, natural defense systems generally keep the cells under control. However, poor nutrition or a sluggish or impaired immune system weaken the body’s ability to control the yeast, allowing cells to grow and colonize. The body craves what it needs to continue feeding the yeast, and the toxins that are created by this overabundance begin to cause health to deteriorate. The brain and every tissue of the body are affected, and many medications such as steroid drugs (cortisone), birth control pills, and antibiotics can increase the likelihood of or exacerbate a candida imbalance.
A Holistic Approach
In order to start to get well, the first step is to cleanse the body through detoxification. A proper detoxification cleans the liver, bowels, kidneys, and the blood supply. The peristaltic action of the colon is strengthened, and the body is able to eliminate mucus, toxins and waste materials that are trapped in the colon (and may have been there for years).
The next step in fighting Candida is to follow a yeast-control diet, eliminating foods that feed candida while maximizing nutrition. Friendly bacteria are introduced to strengthen intestinal tract health, suppressing harmful bacteria and improving digestion. The intake of water and essential fatty acids also play a role.
Through an effective blend of dietary changes, nutritional support, and the increase of friendly bacteria, yeasts can be brought under control within 60 days, restoring health and vitality. Wellness centers such as Inner Bliss in Lake Charles, Louisiana specialize in the restoration of health through holistic methods and are the first place to go when seeking a natural solution to a Candida problem.
4957 Big Lake Road
Lake Charles, La. 70605
1. Frequent yeast, bladder or skin infections
2. Chronic fungus such as athletes foot or thrush
3. Allergic reaction or increased sensitivities to foods or chemicals
4. Bowel disorders, such as constipation, gas, diarrhea, bloating
5. Muscle pain, weakness, stiffness
6. Fatigue
7. Craving of sugar, breads, vinegar, beer or other alcoholic beverages
8. Feelings of depression
9. A change in weight without a change in diet
10. Irritable, easily angered, anxious or nervous
Candida is an over-infestation of yeast in the body. Though every person has Candida albicans (a form of yeast) in their bodies all the time, natural defense systems generally keep the cells under control. However, poor nutrition or a sluggish or impaired immune system weaken the body’s ability to control the yeast, allowing cells to grow and colonize. The body craves what it needs to continue feeding the yeast, and the toxins that are created by this overabundance begin to cause health to deteriorate. The brain and every tissue of the body are affected, and many medications such as steroid drugs (cortisone), birth control pills, and antibiotics can increase the likelihood of or exacerbate a candida imbalance.
A Holistic Approach
In order to start to get well, the first step is to cleanse the body through detoxification. A proper detoxification cleans the liver, bowels, kidneys, and the blood supply. The peristaltic action of the colon is strengthened, and the body is able to eliminate mucus, toxins and waste materials that are trapped in the colon (and may have been there for years).
The next step in fighting Candida is to follow a yeast-control diet, eliminating foods that feed candida while maximizing nutrition. Friendly bacteria are introduced to strengthen intestinal tract health, suppressing harmful bacteria and improving digestion. The intake of water and essential fatty acids also play a role.
Through an effective blend of dietary changes, nutritional support, and the increase of friendly bacteria, yeasts can be brought under control within 60 days, restoring health and vitality. Wellness centers such as Inner Bliss in Lake Charles, Louisiana specialize in the restoration of health through holistic methods and are the first place to go when seeking a natural solution to a Candida problem.
4957 Big Lake Road
Lake Charles, La. 70605
Sweet Potato Oatmeal Bars
· 2 cups cooked, mashed sweet potatoes
· 1/4 cup maple syrup
· 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon, divided
· 1/4 cup maple syrup
· 1/4 canola oil
· 1/4 cup water
· 2 cups rolled oats
· 1 cup chopped walnuts
· 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
Serves: 8
Cooking Time: 30 minutes - one hour
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place sweet potatoes, maple syrup and 1 teaspoon cinnamon in a food processor and mix until smooth. Set aside. In a medium bowl, mix oats, nuts, flour and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Set aside. Mix maple syrup, oil, and water separately and add to dry. Mix. Divide dough in half. Oil an 8x8 baking dish and press half of dough in the bottom. Spread the sweet potato mixture over the dough evenly. Crumble the remaining half of dough evenly over the sweet potato. Press gently. Bake for 20 minutes, until slightly crisp on top and golden. Let cool before serving.
· 2 cups cooked, mashed sweet potatoes
· 1/4 cup maple syrup
· 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon, divided
· 1/4 cup maple syrup
· 1/4 canola oil
· 1/4 cup water
· 2 cups rolled oats
· 1 cup chopped walnuts
· 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
Serves: 8
Cooking Time: 30 minutes - one hour
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place sweet potatoes, maple syrup and 1 teaspoon cinnamon in a food processor and mix until smooth. Set aside. In a medium bowl, mix oats, nuts, flour and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Set aside. Mix maple syrup, oil, and water separately and add to dry. Mix. Divide dough in half. Oil an 8x8 baking dish and press half of dough in the bottom. Spread the sweet potato mixture over the dough evenly. Crumble the remaining half of dough evenly over the sweet potato. Press gently. Bake for 20 minutes, until slightly crisp on top and golden. Let cool before serving.
Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas
Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas
I vary the recipe sometimes by adding a schmear of cream cheese down the middle of the Candida friendly tortilla before spooning in the sweet potato filling. And the chile sauce can be mild or hot. However you like it. Both are tasty.
Quickie Green Chile Sauce::
1 cup light vegetable broth (Candida Friendly)
1 tablespoon arrowroot starch dissolved in a little cold water
1 generous cup chopped roasted green chiles- hot or mild
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon cumin or chili powder, hot or mild, to taste
For the filling::
1 15-oz can organic black beans, rinsed, drained
3-4 cloves garlic, minced
Fresh lime juice from 1 big juicy lime
2 heaping cups cooked sweet potatoes, smashed a bit, but still chunky [I cube mine, then soften just a little]
1/2 cup chopped roasted green chiles
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon chili powder, or curry, mild or spicy, as you prefer
Sea salt and black pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
To Assemble::
2-4 tablespoons light olive oil or vegetable oil, as needed
8 tortillas (I used French Meadows Wheat and Sprouted Grain yeast-free tortillas)
or vegan cheese, if desired
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Choose a baking dish that would hold 8 enchiladas.
Make your Quickie Green Chile Sauce by combining the broth, dissolved arrowroot, green chiles, garlic and spices in a sauce pan and heating over medium-high heat. Bring to a high simmer. Simmer until thickened. Taste test. Set aside.
In the meantime, using a mixing bowl, combine the drained black beans with minced garlic and lime juice. Toss to coat the beans and set aside.
In a separate bowl combine the lightly smashed sweet potatoes with the chopped green chiles; add the spices. Season with sea salt and pepper.
Pour about 1/4 cup of the Quickie Green Chile Sauce into the bottom of the baking dish.
Grab a skillet and heat a dash of oil. Lightly cook the corn tortillas to soften them - one at a time - as you stuff each one. Lay the first hot tortilla in the sauced baking dish; wet it with the sauce. Spoon 1/8 of the sweet potato mixture down the center. Top with 1/8 of the black beans. Wrap and roll the tortilla to the end of the baking dish. Repeat for the remaining tortillas. Top with the rest of the sauce. If you like, top with a sprinkle of shredded vegan cheese. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until the enchiladas are piping hot and the sauce is bubbling around the edges.
Serves 4
I vary the recipe sometimes by adding a schmear of cream cheese down the middle of the Candida friendly tortilla before spooning in the sweet potato filling. And the chile sauce can be mild or hot. However you like it. Both are tasty.
Quickie Green Chile Sauce::
1 cup light vegetable broth (Candida Friendly)
1 tablespoon arrowroot starch dissolved in a little cold water
1 generous cup chopped roasted green chiles- hot or mild
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon cumin or chili powder, hot or mild, to taste
For the filling::
1 15-oz can organic black beans, rinsed, drained
3-4 cloves garlic, minced
Fresh lime juice from 1 big juicy lime
2 heaping cups cooked sweet potatoes, smashed a bit, but still chunky [I cube mine, then soften just a little]
1/2 cup chopped roasted green chiles
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon chili powder, or curry, mild or spicy, as you prefer
Sea salt and black pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
To Assemble::
2-4 tablespoons light olive oil or vegetable oil, as needed
8 tortillas (I used French Meadows Wheat and Sprouted Grain yeast-free tortillas)
or vegan cheese, if desired
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Choose a baking dish that would hold 8 enchiladas.
Make your Quickie Green Chile Sauce by combining the broth, dissolved arrowroot, green chiles, garlic and spices in a sauce pan and heating over medium-high heat. Bring to a high simmer. Simmer until thickened. Taste test. Set aside.
In the meantime, using a mixing bowl, combine the drained black beans with minced garlic and lime juice. Toss to coat the beans and set aside.
In a separate bowl combine the lightly smashed sweet potatoes with the chopped green chiles; add the spices. Season with sea salt and pepper.
Pour about 1/4 cup of the Quickie Green Chile Sauce into the bottom of the baking dish.
Grab a skillet and heat a dash of oil. Lightly cook the corn tortillas to soften them - one at a time - as you stuff each one. Lay the first hot tortilla in the sauced baking dish; wet it with the sauce. Spoon 1/8 of the sweet potato mixture down the center. Top with 1/8 of the black beans. Wrap and roll the tortilla to the end of the baking dish. Repeat for the remaining tortillas. Top with the rest of the sauce. If you like, top with a sprinkle of shredded vegan cheese. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until the enchiladas are piping hot and the sauce is bubbling around the edges.
Serves 4
Squash Salad
Squash Salad
2 small yellow summer squash, thinly sliced
1 small zucchini, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons basil, sliced into strips
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
¼ teaspoon celtic sea salt
¼ cup almonds, chopped
In medium bowl, combine squash, zucchini, basil, olive oil, lemon juice and salt
Toss ingredients together
Allow to marinate for 20 minutes to 1 hour (time permitting, I have also served mine immediately and it was fine)
Sprinkle with almonds
2 small yellow summer squash, thinly sliced
1 small zucchini, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons basil, sliced into strips
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
¼ teaspoon celtic sea salt
¼ cup almonds, chopped
In medium bowl, combine squash, zucchini, basil, olive oil, lemon juice and salt
Toss ingredients together
Allow to marinate for 20 minutes to 1 hour (time permitting, I have also served mine immediately and it was fine)
Sprinkle with almonds
Creamy Ricotta Dip
Creamy Ricotta Dip
1 cup pine nuts, soaked overnight
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon water
1 scallion (green and white parts, remove and discard tip), minced
1-2 teaspoons fresh thyme
¼ teaspoon celtic sea salt
Rinse pine nuts in cold water; then discard both soaking and rinsing water
Place pine nuts in a food processor, along with lemon juice and water
Process for 1-2 minutes, scraping down side of processor frequently, until smooth
Process in scallions, thyme and salt, until texture of ricotta
Remove from food processor to a serving dish
Serve with your favorite dipping veggies
I had a bit of a challenge getting this mixture to process; if that happens to you, just add a bit more liquid (lemon juice or water) very sparingly until mixture blends more easily and keep scraping down the mixture into the center of the food processor.
1 cup pine nuts, soaked overnight
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon water
1 scallion (green and white parts, remove and discard tip), minced
1-2 teaspoons fresh thyme
¼ teaspoon celtic sea salt
Rinse pine nuts in cold water; then discard both soaking and rinsing water
Place pine nuts in a food processor, along with lemon juice and water
Process for 1-2 minutes, scraping down side of processor frequently, until smooth
Process in scallions, thyme and salt, until texture of ricotta
Remove from food processor to a serving dish
Serve with your favorite dipping veggies
I had a bit of a challenge getting this mixture to process; if that happens to you, just add a bit more liquid (lemon juice or water) very sparingly until mixture blends more easily and keep scraping down the mixture into the center of the food processor.
Mexican Stew
Mexican Stew
I used ground turkey in this green chile stew recipe but you could also use chicken, or black beans.
Turn on your slow cooker to high or low as you prefer.
You'll need:
1 lb. fresh ground turkey, chicken (or use 1 15-oz can organic black beans for vegan)
1 onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder- hot or mild, to taste
1 1/2 cups peeled butternut squash, diced
2 large or white gold potatoes, peeled, diced
3 medium carrots, chopped
1 cup roasted chopped green chiles- mild or hot, to taste
1 quart chicken broth- or vegan broth (Candida Friendly)
Sea salt and ground pepper, to taste
Before serving:
Juice from 1 large juicy lime
2-3 tablespoons fresh chopped cilantro
1-2 teaspoons Truvia sweetner, as needed
First- brown the ground turkey in a skillet and pour off the fat, if any. Add the turkey to the slow cooker/Crock Pot and add the remaining ingredients- through sea salt and ground pepper. Stir to combine. Cover and cook- on high or low- according to manufacturer's instructions until done. About 20 minutes before serving, stir in the lime juice and cilantro; taste test. Add a dab of sweetener, if needed, to balance the spice. If you need a tad more liquid, add more broth. Heat through. Serve with warm gluten-free tortillas. Serves 4
I used ground turkey in this green chile stew recipe but you could also use chicken, or black beans.
Turn on your slow cooker to high or low as you prefer.
You'll need:
1 lb. fresh ground turkey, chicken (or use 1 15-oz can organic black beans for vegan)
1 onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder- hot or mild, to taste
1 1/2 cups peeled butternut squash, diced
2 large or white gold potatoes, peeled, diced
3 medium carrots, chopped
1 cup roasted chopped green chiles- mild or hot, to taste
1 quart chicken broth- or vegan broth (Candida Friendly)
Sea salt and ground pepper, to taste
Before serving:
Juice from 1 large juicy lime
2-3 tablespoons fresh chopped cilantro
1-2 teaspoons Truvia sweetner, as needed
First- brown the ground turkey in a skillet and pour off the fat, if any. Add the turkey to the slow cooker/Crock Pot and add the remaining ingredients- through sea salt and ground pepper. Stir to combine. Cover and cook- on high or low- according to manufacturer's instructions until done. About 20 minutes before serving, stir in the lime juice and cilantro; taste test. Add a dab of sweetener, if needed, to balance the spice. If you need a tad more liquid, add more broth. Heat through. Serve with warm gluten-free tortillas. Serves 4
Crispy Potato Sticks
Crispy Potato Sticks
Roasting thin strips of potatoes in a hot oven creates a crisp and flavorful fry. You can also serve them classic style, with sea salt.
1 Russet or Idaho baking potato per person
Light olive oil or safflower oil
Seasoning, or chili powder, if desired
To serve:
Sea salt
Roasted Tomato Salsa
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Line a baking sheet (or two) with parchment or foil.
Scrub and rinse the potatoes; dry them off and quarter them; halve again and slice into long thin matchsticks. Toss the potato sticks into a bowl. Drizzle with just enough light olive oil to coat; toss well. Spread the potato sticks on the baking sheet(s) in a single layer. Place in the upper third of the oven and bake for ten minutes. Using a thin flexible spatula, turn the sticks over and return them to the oven for another ten minutes or so until the potatoes are golden and sizzling on the outside, yet still tender in the center. Drain the potato sticks briefly on a paper towel; sprinkle with seasoning and sea salt.
Serve immediately with a side of homemade salsa, your favorite Ranch-style dip recipe.
Roasting thin strips of potatoes in a hot oven creates a crisp and flavorful fry. You can also serve them classic style, with sea salt.
1 Russet or Idaho baking potato per person
Light olive oil or safflower oil
Seasoning, or chili powder, if desired
To serve:
Sea salt
Roasted Tomato Salsa
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Line a baking sheet (or two) with parchment or foil.
Scrub and rinse the potatoes; dry them off and quarter them; halve again and slice into long thin matchsticks. Toss the potato sticks into a bowl. Drizzle with just enough light olive oil to coat; toss well. Spread the potato sticks on the baking sheet(s) in a single layer. Place in the upper third of the oven and bake for ten minutes. Using a thin flexible spatula, turn the sticks over and return them to the oven for another ten minutes or so until the potatoes are golden and sizzling on the outside, yet still tender in the center. Drain the potato sticks briefly on a paper towel; sprinkle with seasoning and sea salt.
Serve immediately with a side of homemade salsa, your favorite Ranch-style dip recipe.
Sweet Potato Shoestrings
Sweet Potato Shoestrings
We bake our shoestring potatoes instead of deep-frying them because after a certain age your stomach starts to protest too much fat. But don't worry. These fries are still crispy and delicious.
1 sweet potato per person
Light olive oil or organic canola oil, as needed
Seasoning: ground cumin, thyme, black pepper, red pepper, and cinnamon* see note
For serving:
Sea salt
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into long thin shoestrings. Toss them into a bowl and drizzle with light olive oil; stirring lightly to coat. Generously season them. Note* My seasoning mix is equal shakes of: cumin, thyme and black pepper; and a little bit of hot red pepper and cinnamon. No salt (salt before roasting makes them soft). Throw them on a baking sheet. Spread evenly- in one layer. Bake in the upper portion of your oven for about 20 or more minutes- until they are tender, golden and sizzling, slightly crispy around the edges. (Your oven times may vary from mine.) Season with sea salt immediately.
We bake our shoestring potatoes instead of deep-frying them because after a certain age your stomach starts to protest too much fat. But don't worry. These fries are still crispy and delicious.
1 sweet potato per person
Light olive oil or organic canola oil, as needed
Seasoning: ground cumin, thyme, black pepper, red pepper, and cinnamon* see note
For serving:
Sea salt
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into long thin shoestrings. Toss them into a bowl and drizzle with light olive oil; stirring lightly to coat. Generously season them. Note* My seasoning mix is equal shakes of: cumin, thyme and black pepper; and a little bit of hot red pepper and cinnamon. No salt (salt before roasting makes them soft). Throw them on a baking sheet. Spread evenly- in one layer. Bake in the upper portion of your oven for about 20 or more minutes- until they are tender, golden and sizzling, slightly crispy around the edges. (Your oven times may vary from mine.) Season with sea salt immediately.
Brown Rice Tortilla Chips
Brown Rice Tortilla Chips- Make Your Own
This is not really a recipe- but here's what I do to make these crispy golden beauties- corn-free chips that are just as good- if not better- than your tried and true tortilla chips.
1-2 brown rice tortillas per person- Brown Rice Tortilla Wraps* or any other Candida friendly wrap.
Extra light olive oil, for frying
Sea salt
Using a pizza cutter, slice the round tortillas into triangles.
Pour about a half inch of light olive oil into a deep sided skillet (I used my big heavy iron skillet). Heat it over medium heat. When the oil is hot, drop in as many triangles as you can loosely fit into the skillet. Lay out some paper towels for draining the fat. Using long tongs to turn over the chips, fry on both sides until they are golden and crisp (they will crisp up more as they cool). This takes, maybe 4-5 minutes. Using tongs, lift the chips out of the oil and drain on paper towels. Salt lightly on both sides while they're still hot. Continue with the remaining triangles- until you're done frying them all. If you need to add oil, add a little at a time.
As they cool they get crispy crunchy. We love ours with salsa. But they're equally tasty with hummus and guacamole.
This is not really a recipe- but here's what I do to make these crispy golden beauties- corn-free chips that are just as good- if not better- than your tried and true tortilla chips.
1-2 brown rice tortillas per person- Brown Rice Tortilla Wraps* or any other Candida friendly wrap.
Extra light olive oil, for frying
Sea salt
Using a pizza cutter, slice the round tortillas into triangles.
Pour about a half inch of light olive oil into a deep sided skillet (I used my big heavy iron skillet). Heat it over medium heat. When the oil is hot, drop in as many triangles as you can loosely fit into the skillet. Lay out some paper towels for draining the fat. Using long tongs to turn over the chips, fry on both sides until they are golden and crisp (they will crisp up more as they cool). This takes, maybe 4-5 minutes. Using tongs, lift the chips out of the oil and drain on paper towels. Salt lightly on both sides while they're still hot. Continue with the remaining triangles- until you're done frying them all. If you need to add oil, add a little at a time.
As they cool they get crispy crunchy. We love ours with salsa. But they're equally tasty with hummus and guacamole.
Salad Dressing
Salad Dressing
½ c Lemon Juice
1 ½ c Olive Oil
2 T Minced Ginger
1/3 c Minced Garlic
3 T Soy Sauce
Blend all ingredients until creamy. Keeps for up to five days in refrigerator.
½ c Lemon Juice
1 ½ c Olive Oil
2 T Minced Ginger
1/3 c Minced Garlic
3 T Soy Sauce
Blend all ingredients until creamy. Keeps for up to five days in refrigerator.
Candida Friendly Muffins-not to be used until day 16 of program
Candida Friendly Muffins
*Recipe not to be used until day 16 of the candida program. Just have 1 muffin and see how you feel during the day before having more muffins or cooked fruit. If after eating the muffin, any symptoms return, contact your program mentor.
1 ½ cup millet or rice flour
½ cup soy flour
1 Tbsp non-alum baking powder
½ tsp. Sea salt (optional)
½ cup Cooked fruit (blueberries, apples, raspberries, peaches…)
1 cup water
¼ cup canola oil
¼ cup 100% pure maple syrup
Combine all dry ingredients. Mix all liquids; add to dry ingredients. Fold in cooked fruit. Pour into well-oiled pan. For muffins, fill cups full, bake at 375o F
15-20 minutes. For bread, bake 35-40 minutes or until done.
(Yield: 1 loaf / 12 muffins)
*Recipe not to be used until day 16 of the candida program. Just have 1 muffin and see how you feel during the day before having more muffins or cooked fruit. If after eating the muffin, any symptoms return, contact your program mentor.
1 ½ cup millet or rice flour
½ cup soy flour
1 Tbsp non-alum baking powder
½ tsp. Sea salt (optional)
½ cup Cooked fruit (blueberries, apples, raspberries, peaches…)
1 cup water
¼ cup canola oil
¼ cup 100% pure maple syrup
Combine all dry ingredients. Mix all liquids; add to dry ingredients. Fold in cooked fruit. Pour into well-oiled pan. For muffins, fill cups full, bake at 375o F
15-20 minutes. For bread, bake 35-40 minutes or until done.
(Yield: 1 loaf / 12 muffins)
Candida Friendly Mayonnaise- This is so good!
Candida Friendly Mayonnaise
½-tsp. Salt
1-Tbsp. Lemon Juice
1-tsp. Dry Mustard
1-Cup Oil
Blend egg, salt, lemon juice, mustard, and ¼ cup oil in a blender then slowly add the remaining oil.
You may add Dill or other spices to taste.
Use Sunflower, Safflower, or Canola Oil, they taste better.
½-tsp. Salt
1-Tbsp. Lemon Juice
1-tsp. Dry Mustard
1-Cup Oil
Blend egg, salt, lemon juice, mustard, and ¼ cup oil in a blender then slowly add the remaining oil.
You may add Dill or other spices to taste.
Use Sunflower, Safflower, or Canola Oil, they taste better.
Crab Cakes
Candida Friendly Crab Cakes
1 lb Crab meat
2 Eggs
6 Green onions
1 Onion chopped
¼ c Wheat flour
1/2box Triscuits /crushed
Cayenne powder
Garlic powder
Olive oil
1. In a bowl mix, mix together bread crumbs, onions, green onions, 1/3 of the triscuits (crush in a ziploc bag). Mix in the eggs, wheat flour, and cayenne pepper for seasoning. Fold in the crab meat.
2. Form mixture into cakes. Coat in remaining triscuit crumbs.
3. Heat the oil in a large, heavy skillet. Fry the cakes 5 minutes on each side, or until evenly brown. Drain on paper towels.
Mix together
Cream cheese
Cayenne pepper
Garlic powder
Fresh chopped jalapeno
1 lb Crab meat
2 Eggs
6 Green onions
1 Onion chopped
¼ c Wheat flour
1/2box Triscuits /crushed
Cayenne powder
Garlic powder
Olive oil
1. In a bowl mix, mix together bread crumbs, onions, green onions, 1/3 of the triscuits (crush in a ziploc bag). Mix in the eggs, wheat flour, and cayenne pepper for seasoning. Fold in the crab meat.
2. Form mixture into cakes. Coat in remaining triscuit crumbs.
3. Heat the oil in a large, heavy skillet. Fry the cakes 5 minutes on each side, or until evenly brown. Drain on paper towels.
Mix together
Cream cheese
Cayenne pepper
Garlic powder
Fresh chopped jalapeno
Layer Dip
Candida Friendly Layer Dip
Black or pinto beans
Fresh Salsa
Mix cream cheese and yogurt together
Tofu cheddar- vegan gourmet
Lime wedge juice on avocado, cut up slice
Layer in pan and use avocado and lime wedges for presentation
Black or pinto beans
Fresh Salsa
Mix cream cheese and yogurt together
Tofu cheddar- vegan gourmet
Lime wedge juice on avocado, cut up slice
Layer in pan and use avocado and lime wedges for presentation
Ranch Dip
Candida friendly Ranch dip
2 part plain yogurt (read ingredients, just because it says plain yogurt it may still have sugar)
1 part cream cheese
Onion powder
Garlic powder
Sea Salt
White Pepper
Lemon juice
Cayenne pepper
Mix all together
2 part plain yogurt (read ingredients, just because it says plain yogurt it may still have sugar)
1 part cream cheese
Onion powder
Garlic powder
Sea Salt
White Pepper
Lemon juice
Cayenne pepper
Mix all together
Cream Cheese Icing
Candida Cream Cheese Icing
1 ½ cup cream cheese
2 tbsp butter
1/3 cup maple syrup
2 tbsp of vanilla
Another option- add 2 TBS of almond butter and mix until smooth
Mix if necessary to moisten
Whip all ingredients with hand mixer
Add Pure Cocoa (albertson’s) for a chocolate flavor icing.
1 ½ cup cream cheese
2 tbsp butter
1/3 cup maple syrup
2 tbsp of vanilla
Another option- add 2 TBS of almond butter and mix until smooth
Mix if necessary to moisten
Whip all ingredients with hand mixer
Add Pure Cocoa (albertson’s) for a chocolate flavor icing.
Spice Cookies
Candida Frienly Spice Cookie Recipe
½ cup of maple syrup
½ cup of canola oil
1 cup of brown rice flour
¼ cup of potato flour (Albertson’s)
2 tsp of baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
1 tbsp of cinnamon
½ tbsp of nutmeg
½ cup of chopped pecans
Bake at 375 degrees for 18 mins
½ cup of maple syrup
½ cup of canola oil
1 cup of brown rice flour
¼ cup of potato flour (Albertson’s)
2 tsp of baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
1 tbsp of cinnamon
½ tbsp of nutmeg
½ cup of chopped pecans
Bake at 375 degrees for 18 mins
Crawfish Etoufee (Candida Friendly)
Crawfish Etoufee Candida Friendly Recipe
1 container of pre cut onions, and peppers mixed (Wal-Mart)
1 sticks of unsalted butter
2 or 3 tbsp of spelt flour, wheat flour, or brown rice flour, your choice
Cook roux 5- 10 minutes on a low fire, may need to add more butter, stir not to stick.
1 Cup of water add ( judge by your preference)
Add crawfish
Season to taste, use paprika for color
Another option, add cream cheese to mixture, and not paprika, put over noodles or on top of baked potato are on top a chicken breast!
1 container of pre cut onions, and peppers mixed (Wal-Mart)
1 sticks of unsalted butter
2 or 3 tbsp of spelt flour, wheat flour, or brown rice flour, your choice
Cook roux 5- 10 minutes on a low fire, may need to add more butter, stir not to stick.
1 Cup of water add ( judge by your preference)
Add crawfish
Season to taste, use paprika for color
Another option, add cream cheese to mixture, and not paprika, put over noodles or on top of baked potato are on top a chicken breast!
Massage Special
Book a massage for Tuesday - Friday of next week
Get a 60 minute massage for $45 normally $60!
Call 475- 2547 to book your appointment.
Book a massage for Tuesday - Friday of next week
Get a 60 minute massage for $45 normally $60!
Call 475- 2547 to book your appointment.
The Swine Flu- Are you taking your vitamin D supplements?
Will history repeat itself?
Baxter pharmaceuticals is preparing a new swine flu vaccine. Unfortunately, this could take several months to develop. However, it would be unlikely for the flu to continue into the summer months as influenza is traditionally a Winter/Spring infection. This is possibly due to uv light’s ability to kill viruses. In addition, studies show that when one’s vitamin D blood levels are higher, as they are in the summer, they are less likely to develop the flu.
Baxter pharmaceuticals is preparing a new swine flu vaccine. Unfortunately, this could take several months to develop. However, it would be unlikely for the flu to continue into the summer months as influenza is traditionally a Winter/Spring infection. This is possibly due to uv light’s ability to kill viruses. In addition, studies show that when one’s vitamin D blood levels are higher, as they are in the summer, they are less likely to develop the flu.
Body Contour Wrap
The M’LIS Wrap uses herbal formulations that work externally to internally. This type of program aids in the removal of wastes that have become trapped in vulnerable parts of our bodies. It is basically a cleansing process of the tissue underneath the skin, and helps restore elasticity to loose, flabby skin. It does not dehydrate and age the skin. The healthiest type of body wrap.
Can anyone have a M’LIS Body Wrap? As the M’LIS wrap flushes toxins and impurities into the system, pregnant and nursing women should not be wrapped.
What about men? Because a toxic lifestyle is prevalent in today’s world, body cleansing and body contouring are of equal value for both men and women. Men do not get cellulite in the hip area as women do, so they do not need a hip or fanny wrap. They also may prefer not to have their upper arms wrapped.
Can I just have my legs wrapped? Partial wraps are not recommended, as the M’LIS Wrap uses the body’s natural systems of elimination to obtain inch loss. If only the legs are wrapped, trapped wastes may simply be moved from one area of the body to another, rather than eliminated completely through the circulation and lymphatic systems.
Why does the skin turn pink when Contour Cream is applied? Niacin and cassia naturally promote dilation of the blood vessels and fluid flow. This increased circulation under the skin gives the skin a pink tone. This is expected, and is a positive event that shows the cream working. The skin usually returns to its normal color within an hour of application. A patch test before the wrap will show any unusual sensitivity. If this is found to be the case, Contour Cream is also available in a Sensitive Skin Formula.
How long does the wrap take?
The entire process takes approximately two hours. This includes the consultation, exfoliation, measurements, wrap, relaxation for one hour, and time to cut out and re-measure. If the client is not measured each time, the process will be much faster. Some spas sell the wraps in a series, and then measure only before the first wrap and after the final wrap. If a client is only interested in the wrap as a lymphatic cleanse, they may choose not to be measured at all to save time.
Why, if I am losing inches, will I not lose weight with the wrap? If there is an immediate weight loss after a wrap, this indicates that water has been lost. In this case, weight will be gained again as soon as the body is re-hydrated. With a M’LIS internal cleanse wrap, there is no weight loss for at least 72 hours.
Cellulite is caused by toxins and wastes that are trapped in the soft, fatty tissues of the body. These are removed at the cellular level by breaking them up and moving them into the circulatory and lymphatic systems for permanent elimination through the body’s natural processes. By drinking a large quantity of water in the hours following the wrap, they are rapidly flushed out of the system. The result is inch loss and body contouring rather than weight loss. Body wraps are wonderful for those who are losing weight, however, as they have the ability to tone and tighten loose skin that develops when pounds are shed.
Please call to schedule your M'LIS Body Wrap today! Call (337)475-2547
The M’LIS Wrap uses herbal formulations that work externally to internally. This type of program aids in the removal of wastes that have become trapped in vulnerable parts of our bodies. It is basically a cleansing process of the tissue underneath the skin, and helps restore elasticity to loose, flabby skin. It does not dehydrate and age the skin. The healthiest type of body wrap.
Can anyone have a M’LIS Body Wrap? As the M’LIS wrap flushes toxins and impurities into the system, pregnant and nursing women should not be wrapped.
What about men? Because a toxic lifestyle is prevalent in today’s world, body cleansing and body contouring are of equal value for both men and women. Men do not get cellulite in the hip area as women do, so they do not need a hip or fanny wrap. They also may prefer not to have their upper arms wrapped.
Can I just have my legs wrapped? Partial wraps are not recommended, as the M’LIS Wrap uses the body’s natural systems of elimination to obtain inch loss. If only the legs are wrapped, trapped wastes may simply be moved from one area of the body to another, rather than eliminated completely through the circulation and lymphatic systems.
Why does the skin turn pink when Contour Cream is applied? Niacin and cassia naturally promote dilation of the blood vessels and fluid flow. This increased circulation under the skin gives the skin a pink tone. This is expected, and is a positive event that shows the cream working. The skin usually returns to its normal color within an hour of application. A patch test before the wrap will show any unusual sensitivity. If this is found to be the case, Contour Cream is also available in a Sensitive Skin Formula.
How long does the wrap take?
The entire process takes approximately two hours. This includes the consultation, exfoliation, measurements, wrap, relaxation for one hour, and time to cut out and re-measure. If the client is not measured each time, the process will be much faster. Some spas sell the wraps in a series, and then measure only before the first wrap and after the final wrap. If a client is only interested in the wrap as a lymphatic cleanse, they may choose not to be measured at all to save time.
Why, if I am losing inches, will I not lose weight with the wrap? If there is an immediate weight loss after a wrap, this indicates that water has been lost. In this case, weight will be gained again as soon as the body is re-hydrated. With a M’LIS internal cleanse wrap, there is no weight loss for at least 72 hours.
Cellulite is caused by toxins and wastes that are trapped in the soft, fatty tissues of the body. These are removed at the cellular level by breaking them up and moving them into the circulatory and lymphatic systems for permanent elimination through the body’s natural processes. By drinking a large quantity of water in the hours following the wrap, they are rapidly flushed out of the system. The result is inch loss and body contouring rather than weight loss. Body wraps are wonderful for those who are losing weight, however, as they have the ability to tone and tighten loose skin that develops when pounds are shed.
Please call to schedule your M'LIS Body Wrap today! Call (337)475-2547
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Check this website out!
It's a great program that will track what you eat and how many calories you burn with your activities.
It's a great program that will track what you eat and how many calories you burn with your activities.
Healthy Fried Catfish
Pan-Fried Catfish with Brown Butter and Pecans
Serves 4
You’ll never go back to plain old fried catfish after you try this! And, it is a great recipe for dinner guests…nice flavor and presentation.
4 farm-raised catfish fillets
Sea salt (You can add other seasoning for taste)
1/4 cup wheat flour or brown rice four
Canola oil for pan 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/3 cup pecans, coarsely chopped
3 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
Zest from 1 lemon
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
4 lemon wedges for garnish
Rinse fillets and pat dry. Season both sides with salt and pepper. Dredge each fillet in flour to coat lightly, shaking off excess. Generously coat the bottom of a large skillet with oil and heat over moderately high heat. Sauté fillets, turning once, until golden brown and crisp, 3–4 minutes each side. Remove fish from pan. Pour off oil and wipe skillet clean. Melt butter over low heat. Add pecans and cook, stirring, until butter has browned. Stir in parsley, lemon zest and juice. Spoon sauce over catfish. Serve immediately with lemon wedges.
Serves 4
You’ll never go back to plain old fried catfish after you try this! And, it is a great recipe for dinner guests…nice flavor and presentation.
4 farm-raised catfish fillets
Sea salt (You can add other seasoning for taste)
1/4 cup wheat flour or brown rice four
Canola oil for pan 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/3 cup pecans, coarsely chopped
3 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
Zest from 1 lemon
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
4 lemon wedges for garnish
Rinse fillets and pat dry. Season both sides with salt and pepper. Dredge each fillet in flour to coat lightly, shaking off excess. Generously coat the bottom of a large skillet with oil and heat over moderately high heat. Sauté fillets, turning once, until golden brown and crisp, 3–4 minutes each side. Remove fish from pan. Pour off oil and wipe skillet clean. Melt butter over low heat. Add pecans and cook, stirring, until butter has browned. Stir in parsley, lemon zest and juice. Spoon sauce over catfish. Serve immediately with lemon wedges.
Services Available
Services Available
Contour Body Wrap-
The M'lis Contour body wrap cream consists of formulas that help to reverse the cellulite formation cycle by helping to stimulate the body's own natural lymph elimination functions.The program is designed to help rid the body of toxic waste. Purification and elimination are its primary goals, not weight loss. The inches you lose during each body contouring treatment are permanent inches lost. The inches are the trapped toxins and waste materials being eliminated from the body. The inches can only return if there is a weight gain, or if you continue in a cellulite building lifestyle. During the process, and even after the wraps, an individual may find it helpful not only to decrease calorie intake, but also ingest food that is easily digested.They should consume plenty of water to aid in flushing their systems and carrying waste out. Foods, which are heavy and rich, and tend to overload the liver and make digestion difficult, should be avoided.
One of the most important factors for promoting good health and preventing disease is the detoxification of our bodies.Our Detoxification Program has been designed to help the body cleanse itself of toxins, mucus, and other waste materials in the intestinal tract and the major vital organs, thus helping them to function better. This not only restores new energy to the vital organs, but to the entire body as well.Everyone should follow this 3-day Detoxification Program 3-4 times a year, whether you are overweight, underweight, or at your goal weight. It is suggested that you start any weight loss or wellness program with this 3-day cleanse. It should also be done when plateaus are reached and weight loss becomes difficult. Average weight loss is 4 to 7 pounds of water and waste, which has been trapped in the colon.
Symptoms that signal the need to Detoxify
Lack of energy
Mental Confusion
Eliminating less than twice daily
Dependency on sugar, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, etc.
Bad skin
Body odor, excessive perspiration
Digestive Irregularity
Benefits of Detoxification
Rejuvenating body cleanse
Increases energy
Helps clean out mucus, toxins, and waste materials
Restores body's natural tract
Liver, kidney, and blood purification
Heightened mental clarity
Reduce dependencies: Sugar products, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, etc.
Helps restore peristaltic action of the colon
Step toward healthier lifestyle
Lose 3-8 lbs. Water and waste
Bad eating habits are broken
Begin to feel wellness return
If you would like to set up an appointment for a detoxification program or any of our other fine health services, please call us at 337-475-2547.
Weight Loss-
Inner Bliss Health & Wellness encourages natural and sensible weight loss, offered through a complete product line and a 30-day weight loss program, with the help of professionals who know how the body works.
This program will:
Achieve a completely safe weight loss of fat (not muscle).
Appease the appetite naturally instead of suppressing it chemically.
Increase energy levels while decreasing calorie intake.
Provides nutritional support with 5 digestive enzymes.
Lose weight without hunger pangs or digestive discomfort.
Rid the body of accumulated toxins.
Cleanse the gastro-intestinal tract.
Speed up the food processing time.
Our Weight Loss Program is not just another diet; it is designed to take weight off and keep it off. Even more important, this ultimate program improves health. Instead of just covering up symptoms, it gets to the root of other "weight-related" problems and helps the body to correct them naturally and systematically.Once weight is off, it is easy to keep it off with sensible nutrition and exercise. Weight loss is maintained because the weight loss on our program is the result of losing pounds of fat instead of lean tissue or water.
If you would like to set up an appointment for a detoxification program or any of our other health services, please call us at 337-302-2547.
Contour Body Wrap-
The M'lis Contour body wrap cream consists of formulas that help to reverse the cellulite formation cycle by helping to stimulate the body's own natural lymph elimination functions.The program is designed to help rid the body of toxic waste. Purification and elimination are its primary goals, not weight loss. The inches you lose during each body contouring treatment are permanent inches lost. The inches are the trapped toxins and waste materials being eliminated from the body. The inches can only return if there is a weight gain, or if you continue in a cellulite building lifestyle. During the process, and even after the wraps, an individual may find it helpful not only to decrease calorie intake, but also ingest food that is easily digested.They should consume plenty of water to aid in flushing their systems and carrying waste out. Foods, which are heavy and rich, and tend to overload the liver and make digestion difficult, should be avoided.
One of the most important factors for promoting good health and preventing disease is the detoxification of our bodies.Our Detoxification Program has been designed to help the body cleanse itself of toxins, mucus, and other waste materials in the intestinal tract and the major vital organs, thus helping them to function better. This not only restores new energy to the vital organs, but to the entire body as well.Everyone should follow this 3-day Detoxification Program 3-4 times a year, whether you are overweight, underweight, or at your goal weight. It is suggested that you start any weight loss or wellness program with this 3-day cleanse. It should also be done when plateaus are reached and weight loss becomes difficult. Average weight loss is 4 to 7 pounds of water and waste, which has been trapped in the colon.
Symptoms that signal the need to Detoxify
Lack of energy
Mental Confusion
Eliminating less than twice daily
Dependency on sugar, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, etc.
Bad skin
Body odor, excessive perspiration
Digestive Irregularity
Benefits of Detoxification
Rejuvenating body cleanse
Increases energy
Helps clean out mucus, toxins, and waste materials
Restores body's natural tract
Liver, kidney, and blood purification
Heightened mental clarity
Reduce dependencies: Sugar products, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, etc.
Helps restore peristaltic action of the colon
Step toward healthier lifestyle
Lose 3-8 lbs. Water and waste
Bad eating habits are broken
Begin to feel wellness return
If you would like to set up an appointment for a detoxification program or any of our other fine health services, please call us at 337-475-2547.
Weight Loss-
Inner Bliss Health & Wellness encourages natural and sensible weight loss, offered through a complete product line and a 30-day weight loss program, with the help of professionals who know how the body works.
This program will:
Achieve a completely safe weight loss of fat (not muscle).
Appease the appetite naturally instead of suppressing it chemically.
Increase energy levels while decreasing calorie intake.
Provides nutritional support with 5 digestive enzymes.
Lose weight without hunger pangs or digestive discomfort.
Rid the body of accumulated toxins.
Cleanse the gastro-intestinal tract.
Speed up the food processing time.
Our Weight Loss Program is not just another diet; it is designed to take weight off and keep it off. Even more important, this ultimate program improves health. Instead of just covering up symptoms, it gets to the root of other "weight-related" problems and helps the body to correct them naturally and systematically.Once weight is off, it is easy to keep it off with sensible nutrition and exercise. Weight loss is maintained because the weight loss on our program is the result of losing pounds of fat instead of lean tissue or water.
If you would like to set up an appointment for a detoxification program or any of our other health services, please call us at 337-302-2547.
We want your experience at INNER BLISS to be stress free!
GENTLE MASSAGE (30 & 60 min.) $35 & $60
A gentle, relaxing massage to achieve a full body balancing. The natural healing powers of essential oil penetrate the skin and enhance both physical and mental well-being. You can request a lighter or stronger touch.
Deep Tissue Massage for Deep Healing to release chronic muscle tension through slower strokes and more direct deep pressure.
MOTHER'S MASSAGE (30 & 60 min.) $35 & $60
Your therapist is trained in maternity massage techniques and the use of specially designed pillows keeps you comfy.(80 min. not recommended in third trimester)
This deeply relaxing treatment utilizes elements of nature in combination with the healing art of touch. You are massaged with smooth stones, relieving muscle tension and grounding your spirit and mind for theraputic benefit.
An Authorized Dealer ofM'lis ProductsA Licensed Massage Therapist
Inner Bliss by Dee 4957 Big Lake RoadLake Charles, LouisianaPhone:
GENTLE MASSAGE (30 & 60 min.) $35 & $60
A gentle, relaxing massage to achieve a full body balancing. The natural healing powers of essential oil penetrate the skin and enhance both physical and mental well-being. You can request a lighter or stronger touch.
Deep Tissue Massage for Deep Healing to release chronic muscle tension through slower strokes and more direct deep pressure.
MOTHER'S MASSAGE (30 & 60 min.) $35 & $60
Your therapist is trained in maternity massage techniques and the use of specially designed pillows keeps you comfy.(80 min. not recommended in third trimester)
This deeply relaxing treatment utilizes elements of nature in combination with the healing art of touch. You are massaged with smooth stones, relieving muscle tension and grounding your spirit and mind for theraputic benefit.
An Authorized Dealer ofM'lis ProductsA Licensed Massage Therapist
Inner Bliss by Dee 4957 Big Lake RoadLake Charles, LouisianaPhone:
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