This important vitamin gets this nickname because it is made in our bodies after exposure to the sun. Though it is more commonly known for its role in building strong bones, researchers have found that Vitamin D can help balance the immune system, helping to prevent a whole host of health problems as well as colds and flu.
It is known that flu predictably occurs in the winter months when Vitamin D is low. Much of the population living in Britain and countries that have similar seasons become deficient in Vitamin D during the winter and spring when exposure to sunlight is lacking.
Researchers studying the effects of Vitamin D on the immune system have shown that it increases production of certain peptides that quickly destroy the influenza virus. They have only recently learned how Vitamin D increases production of antimicrobial peptides while simultaneously preventing the immune system from releasing too many inflammatory cells.
Although the main source of Vitamin D is exposure of the skin to sunlight you can get some Vitamin D from food. The main source from food is the flesh of oily fish and small amounts are found in cheese and egg yolks. Because it is quite difficult to get adequate amounts from food but is so important for strong bones, some foods like cereals, milk and yogurt have been fortified with it. In spite of this it is thought that people only get about a third of that they need from food.
Getting enough Vitamin D was not considered to be a problem until recently but some experts believe we are in the middle of an unrecognized pandemic of Vitamin D deficiency. According to one study an amazing nine out of ten people are deficient in Vitamin D during winter and spring.
M'lis Vitamin D provides 400IU per softgel of high quality vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), which is the most potent form of supplemental Vitamin D. 1-2 softgels per day provide enough vitamin D to rectify most deficiencies and supply the body with optimal levels of this beneficial immune boosting nutrient.
Call your M'lis representative for more information or to order.
Inner Bliss Health & Wellness
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